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"So. Yeah. That's what happened" I finished off. Suga shook his head at me. We finished ordering the food and are know walking back to the others.

"Are you forgetting to add anything else into that?" He asked me. He knows I'm hiding something but I shook my head. He doesn't push me to tell him what I'm hiding. But he knows that something is missing in the story.

I didn't tell him about the talk I had with Mr. Lee. I only told him that we spoke about the money then we went our separate ways. He still doesn't believe me, but he just acts they nothing's wrong. I can see that he's bothered, but I won't say anything. All I can say is, this is the beginning of everything.

Everything is now going to change. The boys saw us and came running towards us. We settee out the food on the mat and everyone dug in. Helping themselves we silently ate.

"Oooh. Maybe we should  play some music?" V said getting his speaker from his bag. He played boy in luv, as we ate in silence. Listening to the music, memory's flooded my mind, making me chew my food slower.

"Jackie" Jimin called out. "Is everything ok?" He asked.

I nodded. "Yeah, the music brought some memory's back" I said

"True. Those hard we've been through together. We wouldn't have been where we are right now, without you Jackie." J-hope. And every agreed with him.

"Yeah hope is right. You helped us is our back and good times, while you were struggling. You managed to get through everything without anyone help. No ours, you stepdad, manager or CEO Bang" Namjoon said.

"And as now, BTS" Jin said standing up as the other followed his lead. I looked at them clueless. "We will know thank you, for your hard work in respect" Jin continued. They did a traditional bow. I didn't know what to do. So I stood up and stared at them. When they were done, were stared at each other. I opened my arms wide, as they smile happily. Some nearly cried.

I thought I was the girl here?

We broke the group hug after a few minutes. J-hope, Jin, Jungkook and Jimin were crying, while me, Suga, V and Namjoon just stared at them, flustered and just not bothered. The boys brusted into laughter, while they were wiping away their remaining tears.

"Oh, my baby's have grown up" I said hugging Jin and Jungkook.

"Eh, I'm not your baby. Your my baby" Jin said. I scoffed and leaned back.

"Sorry mum" I said sarcastically, the others giggled.

"Well if your not my baby, then I'm guessing Jungkook is" I said a hug him, as he hugged my waist.

"Ani!!" V yelled and came rushing to me. "He's not your only baby" he yelled pointing at the innocent Jungkook.

Oh god
Here we go again

"I'm your baby too you know!" He said pouting, really cutely. Giving me puppy eyes.

"Oh, sorry V, I forgot about you . . . Again" I said as the other continued laughing. It's happened more than once.

"You always forget about me" he pouted again and ran up to me and hugged me. Pushing Jungkook away by the face, with his hand, he gave me tight baby hug

Boys, these days

"Hey, no fighting. Be nice"

"Ne~" they both said. "Sorry Noona~" they said again at the same time. The others were just cracking up laughing.

"Well who wants to swim again" Jin yelled while throwing his hands in the air.

"Me!!" The rest yelled. I shook my head. They ran to the sea, as I watched them. 

"Hey, Jackie. Ain't you coming?" Suga asked

"Hell yeah" I said and threw off my jersey and my tank top. I only swam in my bra and shorts.

"Wahh, jackie still has that nice figure of hers" Jin coooed. The started commenting on my body and style. I rolled my eyes at their comments about.

"Noona has a nice body, she should become a model" Jungkook said

"Ayy. That's so true. Or she can be them commercial girls" Jimin said and V nodded.

Since their comments were cringing me so bad, I splashed them with water.


"Hey!~" They all yelled together. I just walked off to Jin and Namjoon, who were being all lovey-dovey. More like being gay to me but care~

"Hey gaybos" I said and they got to go stopped what they were doing and faced me.

"So when you guys goanna announce, your engagement" I said.

"What!!" The other screamed. I'm actually shook right now because nobody knows we're here and we're making so much noise. Maybe some are deaf or were just mute. I winked at the couple and they bursted out into laughter. I looked at the others, they all had confused faces plastered on.

I want to laugh, but for some reason I didn't let myself do it. I haven't felt like this in years. On the outside I have a blank cold face; but the inside I'm enjoying everything. I don't even know if I'm smiling or what not.

"Are you guys, like serious or that was a joke?" J-hope asked.

"Don't try any shit. You looked like you shitted your pants here horsey" and the laughter erupted. They were all laughing besides j-hope.

"Calm down, kiddo. It was a joke, so relak. Okay~ breath in and breath out" I said instructing him.

The other were just still laughing, crack themselves up, while me and j-hope stared at them with a what-the-fuck look. Later, after a few minutes, the boys calmed themselves and went back to playing. I was just relaxing in the water, enjoying the weather, while staring up at the sky.

It was a nice bright day, clouds were out, it was slightly windy but not to windy, just them nice cool breezes. And the sun was nice and warm. Suddenly I felt a presence beside me, I looked to my side to see V floating next to me. He gave me his famous box- smile, that could make thousands of girls squeal about, but just make me nod at.

"What are you doing?" The child asked. I wrapped my arm over his shoulder and looked back up the sky.

"Nothing much. Just adoring this nice weather. Guessing I had good luck today, for choosing a nice day to go to the beach with you guys" I said. V giggled, I looked at him weirdly

He'll always be our little alien

"Noona, your full of good luck. That's why and how, we're BTS today" with his wide box smile.

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