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"and that little kid that were talking about is my little sister"

oh my, who knew arguing with a guy could be so bothersome

"I know she's your little sister, but can't you at least think of a different way of her getting home", this guy is so bloody annoying, he's so lucky that i'm tired.

"YAH! If you care so much about her getting home safely, then you take her home"


"ok then, i'll take her home"

"ok" I Said back to.. that... person and walked towards the door

" Is that it... are you even her real sister!" that person yelled out.

I stopped and turned around and walked straight up to him. "do you do this with everyone you first meet?? try and pick a fight with them or try and get them angry as possible.. HUH??" I yelled in his face as he just stood still while looking at me in the eyes.

"I mean seriously, bro, why do you even care if she goes home by herself, in fact why on damn earth am I having an agreement with you for? I don't even know who you are?". The whole room went silent, the only sound that was heard, was the sound of everyone breathing.

after calming down, I decided to speak up again, " I understand that you don't a young girl going home by herself but that's her decision" I break the eye contact that me and the guy healed and looked at KaiChen with a small warm smile.

"At her age, i want to give her as much as freedom as she wants, cos when she starts growing up, she will slowly lose the freedom that she once had." I look up again to see the guy understanding what I'm saying while looking down at my sister.

I look up slowly having change of thoughts, I open my mouth and say, "Ani, why are we being all cringey and all soft for?? You know how gross that is... Yuck" I shake off the weird feeling I feel tingling around my body.

"Anyways, KaiChen can do whatever she wants" I lastly spoke.

Once again, the random guy spoke up again. "Yahh... Oh my. Do you like even stop think about what will happen to your little sister if she goes home by herself" he said looking stressed and tired.

"Yah, boy, there is nothing to worry about. KaiChen may look like a sweet child but deep down she a little devil, especially when it comes to fighting".

"Hey don't say that about her" the guy that KaiChen is sitting on, said as he covered her ears.

I shrugged my shoulders while not caring.

" how about this, we will drop your sister off home for you?" He suggested

I nodded at the suggestion, but then a thought flicked into my mind.

If KaiChen goes home by herself then she will be home alone with our stepdad, Joe, and you never know what could happened from there.

I have never lefted KaiChen with Joe alone, EVER. And I will never will her alone with him until the day I die.

Worry flashes across my face and the guys notice but don't mention anything.

"Ani, how about if you take KaiChen home with yous, would you guys be ok with that?" I asked, more like I begged but never any reaction.

"Yh that would be ok with us. We would love to have kaichen company." I secretly smiled at his response.

"Ok, thank you, umm she has spear clothes in her bag and umm if you need to contact me, just tell KaiChen and she will call me."

He looked at me like I was a weirdo when I said that KaiChen would contact me, " how will she contact you?" He questions me.

"She has a phone" and just the right timing KaiChen pulls out her red iPhone 7 plus. All of the boys gasp at the sudden fact.

" KaiChen " I call out my little sister. She looks up in such surprise. While the others come back to reality.

"Is there anything you want me to buy for you?" I asked her as she started to think.

"Umm I want.... New shoes" she says. I look at her in disbelief

"Are you serious" I asked her as she nods back in response.

"KaiChen you have a whole collection of high branded shoes and you want me to buy you a new pair of shoes" I say.

She gives me her famous puppy eyes as I try my best to avoid them at all costs.

"Uhh fine I'll buy you a new pair" I give up. "What's type of shoes do you want now?" I asked her.

"Timberlands" she replies. I nod at her choice.

" ok, since you want timberlands I will buy you a new outfit as well ok" she jumps in happiness and runs and hugs my waist.

" ahhh, but I would like to ask what time will you be picking up KaiChen" that guy asked

I look up, " ohhh sorry I forgot to say, but is it alright if she spends the night over your place, cos I won't be getting home until 11 or 12 at night "

He stops and thinks for a moment then nods in agreement.

"Ok then I best be going, just give KaiChen you address so she can send it to me and I'll come and pick her up " they nod, I bend down and kiss KaiChen in the forehead then stand up and study the boys. One boy catches my attention, we both hold an very hurtful, long gaze until I turn to walk towards the door, and leave.

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