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Once we both got to the car, I drove back to the apartments. We arrived at our apartments and started to walk inside. 

We both entered Brooklyns apartment, and when we did all you see is girls running around like nuts. Today was our basketball game and we were versing one of the best basketball teams, from the biggest, most richest college.

I looked at Brooklyn while she looked back at me.

"Quickly, go put your uniform on, don't shower just throw some spare clothes into your bag as well as a towel" I said as she ran off. Wei and Bora had finished getting their things done. Came and stood in front of me with big happy smiles.

"HI UNNIE!!" They screamed in my face.
"Hi girls" I said awkwardly.
Next came Brooklyn running to the door where I was standing.
"Ok, I'm done" she said.
"Did you pack everything I told you to do"
"Spare clothes and a clean towel"  I nodded.

I looked at Wei and Bora.
"What did you guys pack?"
"The usual" they both said
I raised my eyebrow but didn't even bother to ask what they packed.
"Ok, in the car now"
"OK!!" The three of them shouted. And ran outside.
"Ok, we're going now"

"Bye unnie" JC and Hanuel said
"Bye girls I said"
"Bye jackie" CJ said walking upto me, hugging me.
"Bye unnie" I said hugging her back. I let go and walked to the door and closed it on my way out.

Time skip-
We entered the stadium, where you could loud chants. We quickly ran to our respected area, where I threw on my basketball jersey. The girls were already done. All they did was sort their things out.

The other team members wet already changed and we're waiting for our manager. Once I was done changing, our team manager (or whatever you call it) walked in and started to speak to us about our game plan.

When we finished talking we did a small pray and did our team cheer. I was praying hard to god that we win this year championships. This game is very important is important to me, Wei and Bora. But to Brooklyn, it means everything.  Then we went out and start to do what we do.

Time skip-
There was only 10 seconds left on the time board, Wei past the ball to me; I tried to look for a person who was free but they were all all blocked and it was up to me, to make the goal.

Since I was standing a really long distance away from the hoop, I was actually asking myself if it will go in. I didn't have a long time to hold onto the ball either, I looked around around, Wei was trying to stop the other team from coming near me.

Bora looked like she was goanna past out any minute, but still holds her spot firmly. And Brooklyn; she was looking at me with eyes full of hope. Knowing that I was able to get the ball into the hoop just in time.

Ok, let's do it for Brooklyn.
We can Do this
I can don't this
Just gotta believe in my self

I looked at the time board again, 4 seconds left on the board to go. I throw the ball in the air. As the ball gets closer to the hoop, the less time we have on the board


Just in time, the ball fell inside of the hoop, when the timer went off. The girls jumped and screamed. Brooklyn came running to me while Wei and Bora were cheering with our other team mates. Brooklyn jumped into my arms and started to cry in happiness.

"Thanks unnie... Thank you so much"

Those 6 words, that I'll never forgot. And I'm sure Brooklyn will never forget this day as well. After we finished cheering, I had the trophy handed to me, but I looked at the trophy and passed it to Brooklyn.

She gladly took the trophy, raising it in the air, making everyone cheer again. 
We took a team picture, everyone smiling and posing, while I'm just on the side standing straight and not smiling. We took the trophy and went home.

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