They finally set foot into the airport, Mark felt a rush of excitement crossing his body and the anxiety of being there in Europe at last; behind him Mireya walked confidently staring at the way while her brother was walking at looking at everything "like he never had been on an airport before" Mireya thought, but Mark kept walking, watching closely and taking mental pictures of the airport and people, and also daydreaming about the whole trip, but daydreaming simply was keeping it short because he was living his dreams now.
This had to be what having your dreams come true had to feel like, and he was liking it, the feeling of starting a new trip was all over him, it wasn't only the promise of living the trip he had dreamed for so long, it also was the fact of getting there, to that finally realized dream that he had, it was a nice feeling, he looked out through a window and watched the grey sky above the city.
Paris. They had finally arrived to the city of light, the city that was inspiration to so many poets, the place that inspired romance with the sole look at its marvelous buildings, and now they were there in the most classical romance destination on the globe.
They both kept walking through the airport surrounded by some people that were on the same flight and headed to the baggage claim bands, they were there for a few minutes then finally he got her bag and pulled it out of the band, after looking that her stuff was out she moved towards her big pink bag and pulled to her as she took a few steps back.
A few moments later Mark spotted his blue bag arriving at the band, when it got close enough he pulled it out and went to meet his sister at the customs line.
"Finally" she said looking at him.
"Yeah" he muttered "took some time for it to arrive, but everything's here now" He looked up and his eyes soared through the line they had to wait on "Ugh! So many people I hate such crowded spaces especially waiting on long lines."
"I know, but hey at least the view here is way better than the waiting lines back at home."
"If you say ..." He turned around taking a quick look at the people that surrounded him "... so ..."
A group of people walked through them and both just stared at the runway-model-like figures topped with magazine-cover-like faces all wrapped in beautiful color mixed clothes with incredibly tailored fabrics. Their eyes stared as they walked down the aisle with a step and pose more worthy of a runway than an airport.
"Whoa" Mark managed to say.
"I know" Mireya added, she sighed and smiled up "Well, welcome to Paris"
"This is so not home anymore" he said and laughed. Then they moved up the line to go through the passport check, Mark looked at the people coming in singles or by the pair and soon their turn came up, he turned to Mireya and said "Come on, it's our turn"
"... Our turn? It's a one by one check so it's your turn now hurry up, don't keep them waiting" Mireya replied waving her hand in front of him so he'll move on.
"Fine" Mark grabbed his stuff and walked to the customs guy thinking that she just didn't want him by her side "Whatever..." he thought and handed his passport to the officer, and as the officer checked the passport, he checked the officer, looking at his golden-tanned skin, his light blue eyes and dark blonde hair trapped into a square face with raw features, his neck seemed strong, under his impeccable shirt a broad chest was hidden "Not half bad ..."
"Thank you" said the officer handing back Mark's passport, his voice was low and raspy, Mark nodded trying to keep his mouth shut so he wouldn't droll at that sculpture of a man, so he grabbed his passport and walked away thinking "Even his voice is sexy ... I wonder what's their recipe to sexiness here in Europe" he turned and looked at Mireya walking towards the ward, her forehead was up and her eyes were haughty, she handed over her passport and gave a quick look at Mark, her eyes turned back to the officer, a catlike feeling expressed on her face.
Then the officer's hand motioned with two fingers instructing her to come closer, her gaze turned from catching snotty to a frightful look with a hint of panic and slowly she looked up to meet her brother's eyes, still a scared she moved forward to the crystal, pushing her legs hard to the floor as she felt the nervous shake going up her spine and freezing the tip of her fingers "What the hell could be wrong? What would I do?" were her thoughts as she motioned towards the crystal, the officer leaned forward, her eyes went nervously from the each time closer guard to her brother behind the customs booth and she felt her heart beating so hard that it muted the outside noise, she finally arrived at with the officer and the man said something to her, in that moment her shoulders fell back into their place and so did her eyebrows that had been up with concern, her eyes turned from the fright to relief as she picked her passport and walked up to her brother who was waiting for her at the other end.
"What happened?" Mark asked as at his just frightened and now smiling sister.
"Well, to be honest I got a little bit intrigued, thought I was gonna have some troubles" she left out a quick giggle "But he just called me and said –Happee Beerthday-" she sighed and left a still a little nervous giggle as they both were walking towards the exit "God! He's so handsome and sexy ... aaand he noticed my birthday!" a soft exhale left her lungs and they replied "This is gonna be the best trip ever! ... Don't you think?"
"Mm hmm" Mark answered but he thought "Darn luck!" seemed the spotlight had picked the main performer of the show.
They went out the gate and looked for the guy from the tour company, as usual they had to look for a guy in the crowd of guys just looking the same holding their companies name just to find out that the company's name was, for a letter or two, spelled differently, once they finally reached the guy that was supposed to take them all to the hotel, they had to wait for the rest of the people to come out with their bags.
The group gathered was of 6 people, Mark and Mireya, both from Mexico, a newlywed couple from Chile and 2 friends from Argentina, they got inside the minivan and the driver put their baggage in the trunk in order so they would be picked up easily when they left.
Once they were all in the car they left the airport parking and a gray rainy sky appeared before them covering with raindrop the front glass of the vehicle. Mark turned to look at Mireya "And your journey begins ..." he thought as he watched the rain cover the glass on his side, the van had the A.C. on however Paris didn't welcomed them with a hot weather even though it was summer outside it was fresh and the wind moved the trees slightly.
They were in the city, however against what peoples and novels pictured; the Paris they watched wasn't exactly XVI century classy styled, it was a very urban look, big stores with large parking lots, suburbs and some graffiti now and then on the back of some unlucky buildings.
About twenty five minutes the car took them through that quite familiar gang-like scenario and then it turned on a corner to arrive to the hotel.
The driver grabbed the pad that had the list of people on the van and asked "Mark and Mireya? You guys are in this hotel."
"Just us?" Mark asked grabbing his backpack.
"Yeah, the rest are going to another hotel" The driver replied opening the trunk "Which ones are your bags?"
"Those two" Mireya answered pointing at the two large bags.
"Those two?" the driver replied taking the two bags out "That's it?"
"Mm hmm" nodded Mireya taking her bag and walking up to the hotel entrance.
"Thanks" Mark said grabbing his baggage and catching up to his sister just in time to walk together into the hotel.

ChickLitFor Mireya it was a chance to take a relaxing vacations of beautiful sights through Europe. For Mark it was the chance to walk through all the places he had read in books and seen in films. Their trip simply wouldn't go as planned for either one of...