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The flight was 3 hours late.

"Ahh jeongmal!"

I was with my bodyguards, travelling back myself. Leaving all those memories behind and starting with our same schedules was killing me on the inside. I was so not ready for all this.

How many times do we have to stay at this freaking Hotel? It's too huge! Well, who cared? I just need to sleep now. All the way here the memories haunted me like they've been doing since the incident. My pills seemed to work for the day, but the nights were unbearable. I forgot when I last had the greatest sleep. The way to the Hotel on the car became another nightmare with the stupid traffic at midnight. I took out bottle from my bag and emptied it with frustration.

This Hotel creeps me out every time. Wonder what new stupid staffs they've arranged this year.

Great! Now there's no one to even open the gates. Honking the horn for a billion times might help. Eh, the driver got out to open them. How lame!

The car stopped in front of the large doors and I came out. Wow the floors and skies were going round and round and round..."Okay, steady Chanyeol. You need to find a bed first." I kept telling myself.

No one came to take in the luggage. This was outrageous. What kind of insensitive people don't care about their guests? I've had enough for today! I took the bags and zoomed in. Wow so now someone is signalling people to come and carry my bags in. Ridiculous! They absolutely don't know anything! I should teach these people a lesson!

"Yah! A guest should always be treated like an Idol! Wait, but I am an Idol! See no one cares! Fucking bastard Hotel..."

Through my blurry vision I could see someone walking towards me in a hurry. Ah so now you care? "To hell with you!" Someone fell down. Aish! All worthless imbeciles!

"CHANYEOL!" Someone yelled my name. Ah, Baekhyun. Why is he screaming at me?

He walked past me and helped up someone. I turned back to yell at him. He should be helping me, and not some other careless person. But I saw him helping up this girl. She seemed very hurt in her ankles. So I pushed...her? But I...I didn't mean to. Wait, what have I done? Baek's asking if she needs to go the hospital. Is it that bad? I did push her very hard. They're going away.

"AISH!" I kicked the bags away.

I followed the people to my room. Jongin was asleep there.

"What do you know what hyung's been through? You sleepy-head." I whispered to him.

I was too exhausted tochange clothes so I sunk on the bed. On the watch beside me, I saw that thetime was 3 in the morning.

The ❛One❜ Who Saved Me • 박찬열#2 ✔Where stories live. Discover now