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I went back to my room after awhile and found her jacket lying there on my bed still. Her phone was in the pocket. For some reason, I took the phone only and went downstairs. The jacket I folded up and placed it nicely inside my suitcase.

I saw her lying with her head down on the desk.

"You forgot your phone."

She looked up at me and smiled seeing her cellphone.

"Aah, thanks!"

"You're welcome. I'm going out. See you in the evening."

"Where...are you going?" She asked quite hesitantly.

"You wanna...come?" Why did I ask her to come with me? Aish. What's wrong with me? But I guess I could use the company. I needed someone there with me.

"Depends. Is it a real place?"

"Haha very funny. Come on!"

I took her through all the familiar narrow lanes and to my most private and most cherished place. We stopped in front of the old gate. New ones or initiates were the ones to lead the way after getting the honor of opening the gate.

"Open it."

"Why me?"

"Because that's the honor given to initiates."

She opened the gates slowly and we walked in through the shadowy paths. This place was ever as beautiful as it was in my childhood. As expected, the sight had clearly taken her breath away.

"Welcome to my Wonderland!"

I said and made her follow me to my favorite bench. My old guitar was still kept here under the shade of the big trees since I last arrived. I suddenly had the urge to take it and adjust the keys, so I did.

She turned towards me after awhile with bewilderment in her face.

"How did you find out this place?"

"When I was little, I used come here with my best friend. We both played together. We both grew up together. Even auditioned for the companies together. He got in as a YG rookie, while I was signed by SM. Hence we were separated. We used to play guitar together since childhood, right here, on this bench. Hehe. They were beautiful summers."

The memories started to come back. The good ones, then the recent worst ones. I sighed to keep myself steady.

"Three weeks back, I got a phone call from him. He sounded drunk. I asked him where he was, and found out he was on the highway. He was coming to see me. I told him to stop the car and listen to me carefully, but he didn't listen. He kept on arguing. He kept increasing the speed as we spoke. He was so eager to see me. I was on the phone with him when he... when his car... crashed into a fuel tanker... It was a massive explosion. None of the drivers made it."

All the things that haunted me started piling up again. But I didn't feel scared this time. I had someone with me. I had her.

"I can still hear him scream. His voice, his burnt face, they scare me all the time. I get nightmares and I've become an insomniac. This is why I was given that antidepressant. It was only last night that I had slept without any such nightmares, after what felt like ages. I cannot appreciate this enough..." And I couldn't complete the sentence because my throat went dry.

But now everything went out of my chest and it felt so much light. I looked at her and she was in tears. It was the first time, I felt strong enough to actually say all of these and see someone actually share the pain other than just sympathize with it. I reached out to her and wiped her cheeks. I managed a smile.

"I'm so sorry, Chanyeol..."

"Don't be Y/N. You were the first person that I shared all of these with. I do understand now why everyone is so flustered around you. Even a guy like Jaebum."

She had a questioning look in her eyes. I looked away from her. I didn't want to tell her all these, but since I was speaking my heart out, I blurt out.

"I saw how you blush every time he's around. And there's no doubt he blushes like a girl as well. And just because I know that he is a nice guy, I'm letting you go to the party with him. But if he hurts you...I'll kill him."

"Ah you shouldn't be so violent at such a serene place as this."

She smiled at me. She looked so sweet. I swear I would've blushed like an idiot when she smiled. After a really long time, I felt my heart beat. I felt like I could do anything right now.

"Do you want to hear me play?"

As she nodded, I took the guitar and placed it on my lap. It has been months that I couldn't play, especially in a place which held the most memories. As I started playing, and the urge just came out of nowhere, I felt so relieved. This place reminded me of all the good times I had in my childhood. I was, after a long time, really happy.

It was the most beautiful summer afternoon.

It was the most beautiful summer afternoon

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The ❛One❜ Who Saved Me • 박찬열#2 ✔Where stories live. Discover now