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I was absolutely irritated at her foolishness. So much that only the rage came out.

"Wasn't one accident enough spotlight that you're desperate for another one?!"

She looked at me with disbelief for a moment, her face turning red with anger by the seconds.

"My accident wasn't for spotlight!" Her voice shook.

"It sure made the Hotel Hot Headlines for what? One day?"

She looked outraged but she said nothing. She started walking away from me. I was losing my mind again so I grabbed her hand and stopped her.

"A simple Thank You is what well-behaved people say..."

She shoved my hands away in rage and said "A simple Sorry is what a human being says!"

She walked away from me. All I did was let out an "Aish~!" She is unbelievable!

I had another bad night again. My life had become a series of bad nights now. I still reminisced the days I was the Happy Virus who kept everyone entertained. And now, life entertains me in new ways every day.

I don't know what dragged me to the terrace but I got up there. I took out my hidden stash of alcohol and started emptying the bottles.

"I am a big jerk! I don't deserve to live. The world will be a better place without people like me."

I don't remember anything after that.

My eyes opened in the hospital wing. How did I come here? I wasn't supposed to be here. What had happened? Who brought me here?

All my questions were answered as the members started coming in and giving me small lectures. So Y/N found me and got me here. Did she me? Would I really have died if she hadn't found me at the right time?

"But where were you guys? Why didn't any one of you come and look for me?"

"Because you liked to be alone these days and we always respected your privacy. But look where that got us. You're never leaving our sight ever again." Suho hyung was angry. I didn't dare speak another word.

I heard that she was still sitting outside. For a long while I kept thinking if I should see her but finally the other 'me' won over the real 'me' and I didn't even bother. She was only just a girl. After this month I won't have to see her ever again. And she'll forget about the incident as well, so no big deal.

She went back home. Maybe she was furious. But why would she care? Why did she even save me? She could've left me like that, considering what I've done to her. But I didn't behave like that with her on purpose. She just irritated me too much. She still does, even without doing anything.

I was told to rest for the next day as well. At first I didn't want to stay back at all. But when I got up and my head spun so bad that I fell back on the bed, I decided it's best to stay here.

Lying here all day and all night seemed very difficult. I kept fidgeting, trying to get out of here. Not wanting, I had irritating thoughts of being at the Hotel.

I started feeling physically a bit better during the evening, so they told me I'll be discharged the next day. But someone was to keep an eye on me.

Suho hyung, Baekhyun, Kyungsoo and Lay hyung came to pick me up. I was very much eager to get out of there as fast as possible. When we drove off the hospital, I heaved a sigh of relief. They took me to have breakfast at our favorite restaurant, and we all had our favorite dishes. After that we all went roaming around in the car for awhile, which to be honest, I liked after a long time. Nobody talked much, just hung out.

We arrived at the Hotel during the afternoon. I was really eager to get here. Maybe because I needed to...Okay who am I kidding? I was curious about what stupidities that girl might be doing. As soon as I went in through the door, I was greeted by Jongin.

"Hyung! Welcome! How are you?"

"Yeah yeah hi. Hyung's okay."

"I just had lunch with Y/N. She is so awesome!"

"Did I ask you about her? Kha!" I shoved him off lightly and walked past him. He was clearly puzzled, but I guess the way I was being these days, everyone was accustomed to it by now.

"What's wrong with him?"

"Nothing, Kai. So how is Y/N?" Baek put his hands around Kai's shoulders and was just following me up.

"Oh she's okay. Quite busy with preparations and all. Hyung, have you decided whom to take to the Hotel party this week?"

"Do we have to take a partner? Ahh kkaepsong...ehahaha."

"Hahahaha. Ah jeongmal. I'm going to take Krystal."

"Ooooo~ You bastard!"

"Hehe. To be honest I wanted to take Y/N first, but she's already going with Jaebum so..."

Wait what? That stupid girl is going to the stupid party with Jaebum? So all of this happened while I was gone? Huh! So she doesn't even care if I was here or not...wait, seriously! Why would she care? And for freak's sake why do you care so much what she thinks and what she does?! Ahh chincha! Stop it!

I shook all the thoughts away from my head. I've been talking to myself in my head lately. Figured that is the best way to talk and not be judged all the time or given sympathies. Baek and Kai were still going on about something but I decided to ignore them. I went into my room and shut the doors behind me. I want to be alone now.


"Go away! Later."

The ❛One❜ Who Saved Me • 박찬열#2 ✔Where stories live. Discover now