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Y/N didn't say anything and just let me in. Shivering like crazy, I sat on the couch while she went in to the kitchen to make me coffee. The place was warm and cozy. But not warmer than the company I was with. From the looks of everything, she was alone in the apartment.

I kept staring at her as she ran here and there to get me towels, her t-shirt and a pair of her funny looking pajamas. She didn't even ask me anything. Why I was soaking wet, why I was at her doorstep at this time of the night, or why was I so quiet. Nothing. I looked up at her.

"...Thank you." I murmured.

She just nodded and kept looking at me. I went in to wash myself first. I had been out for the whole day without anything but a heavy heart full of burning memories and longing. At least one of those desires were fulfilled now that I was here.

Her t-shirt smelled like her. That cologne she uses...I loved the smell. But the pajamas were the funniest with smileys everywhere. I should've hated this, but given the present situation, I couldn't help but smile.

I came out looking funny. Somehow it was very comfortable being around her. It didn't matter what I was wearing, as long as I was wearing something. *...err what?*

I took the hot cup of coffee and sat with it on the couch. Looking at her, she seemed like she was curious about me being there, but somehow glad. Yet she didn't say anything. It was good that she didn't ask, because I never had any particular reason.

"Thank you...for all this, and for not asking questions." I said to her softly and tried to smile. It was very hard. She was perhaps the only person that I wanted to be with right now. And no matter how much I despised the weather today, I was more than just glad to be here with her.

"Are you okay?" She asked finally. I felt her eyes trying to pierce through mine and get into my heart to see what was going on there. *I don't know, I answered in my mind.*

"Yes, I'm alright." I lied.

"You don't look alright. Did you have dinner?"

"Yeah, long ago." I lied, again.

"Fine then I'll heat up the leftover lasagna for you. Eat and go to sleep. I'll be in my room if you need anything."

"I'm not hungry."

*I was starving.*

"Do you want me to sit with you and play 20 questions or do you want some peace?" She went from being the concerned woman to the bossy one. Aish, this part of her I could possibly never deny anything.

"I'll eat the leftover lasagna." I gave up.

"That's better."

She came back with a plate of hot Italian food. I was hungry as hell so I dug in. The food was delicious. She started doing odd jobs all around the place. It was so cute that she actually tried to make sure I finished it all. *I'd have finished it all even if you hadn't kept an eye on me like a baby.* I stole glances at her at times. She didn't notice that I smiled every time she looked away.

As I was done with the food, she took the plate from me and started cleaning up in the kitchen. I was still watching her when suddenly the lights went out. We were engulfed by the darkness. I heard her gasp silently. I knew she had stopped in her tracks. In an instant, I got up and walked towards her. She let out a scream as I held her shoulders gently.

*I'll protect you, always.* I said in my mind as I pulled her inside my chest and held her. Something kicked inside me as I felt her clung onto me tightly. Her warmth, her scent, her everything...had become my newest favorite. This whole day, without even wanting to or getting irritated at, thinking of her I was steady. At the end of the day, all I knew was that I needed to see her. Be with her. Even if it was just for a bit. With just the sound of the rain outside and the rumbles of the sky, I could feel my heart race with celerity. *Y/N, you of all people...*

The ❛One❜ Who Saved Me • 박찬열#2 ✔Where stories live. Discover now