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Everyday... Everyday  that same face, that same stupid racing of my heart, that same thought circling my mind - What is wrong with me?

I tried avoiding her, but she just popped out of nowhere. Not to mention my heart freakin' losing it every damn time she smiled or even looked at me. It was becoming unbearable. Even during the usual hangouts by the pool or the lobby or the cafeteria, with her and her friends, were becoming the best part of the day for me. Aish! This is so not right!

"Dude, we're all hanging out by the pool, join us!" Baek texted me one evening.

"Like I have nothing else to do..."

"Y/N's here..."

*Ohh really?*

"What am I supposed to do? Enjoy yourselves."

He didn't reply. But I was getting agitated. Finally giving up to my frustrated mind, I decided to just get out and take a walk around the place.

So after getting down the stairs, I went strolling towards the reception area, then the lobby and finally my legs led me to the pool. *Not sure if my legs led me there or my heart...?*

"Chanyeol-ah! There are you are! I knew you'd come."

"Aish, I was just walking around and..."

"Yeah yeah whatever just join us, Hyung will tell us a joke again!" Jongin cut me off.

"Then I should probably leave..."

"Wae? Okay this one will be good, I promise..." Suho hyung was very excited. Honestly we knew the level of his jokes, so all of them were waiting for him to embarrass himself in front of...the girls. Okay, there you are.

Y/N was seated on the farthest corner of the couch, smiling like a little kid. Aish, there goes my heart again! She looked so cute in those black-framed glasses and that messy bun...I reckoned I was staring at her again, and two eyes were staring at me. Unfortunately it wasn't hers.

"Yah, sit down already!" Baek pulled me down by his side.

I fell down beside him and stole a glance at her. She looked at me and smiled. Okay, what happened to me again? Aish! Stop, JUST STOP!

"Okay, so there's this guy named Bart who inherited his father's Wine Bar. He was once told that his hands were tender. So... he became a BARTENDER! Ahahaha get it? Bart became Bartender in his own Bar?!" And Hyung burst out laughing. Mostly spaced out or rounded eyes stared back at him like always, some even face-palming. But something extraordinary happened today. Someone else had burst out laughing with him. Every one of us looked at Amy.

"Oh my gawd, that was so...hilarious!" She snorted while she laughed. Y/N and Sophia gave her a bemused look. Apparently they were surprised at her reaction as well.

Suho Hyung was the only one who seemed more than pleased. Everyone else changed topics and started talking about other stuff before Hyung embarrassed himself more. But both Amy and Hyung kept looking at each other and kept on blushing. Okay, this was something new for our Hyung.

 Okay, this was something new for our Hyung

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The ❛One❜ Who Saved Me • 박찬열#2 ✔Where stories live. Discover now