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I had to take a shower because we both were soaking wet from the rain. She let me go in first fearing I might catch a cold or something. I absolutely loved the way she cared about me so much. But falling so hard for her is just something I never thought of. I guess I have to live with it now.

The sweater that she gave me to wear smelled of her. Her sweet scent lingered around my senses which were acting as the perfect drug to my pain of seeing her in that condition. She made us coffee which we poured to our freezing souls while getting comfortable on the couch. She was so close to me, yet so far.

She was lost in some thought, while I was still taking her all in.

"Hey Chan..." She said suddenly.


"Uh thank you, for everything."

I smiled. A bolt of thunder just ran down my spine whenever she used to say my name. This time there was a weird pleasure to it. I guess my Happy Virus side had come out which she couldn't resist. So she smiled. Another bolt of thunder went down my spine. *Aish Chanyeol! Don't blush, don't blush. Keep yourself steady...*

"Yeah well not every time one can resist the Happy Virus." She said with her irresistible smile.

"Ya-ha! That's my charm, love."

"Yeah, that's your charm." She was looking at me with her beautifully tired eyes. I so hoped to see love in that gaze somehow...Chincha pabo da!

Honestly it was just the brilliant coffee that brought my senses back to the real world. This might be the best coffee I have had in forever.

"This coffee is brilliant by the way. Yah! Make me coffee sometimes!" I wanted this every day of my life. *Okay why am I being so...Aish okay. I love her for God's sake.*

"Are you asking or ordering me?" She raised her eyebrows.

"A bit of both!" I pouted and...did I actually try doing aegyo? Oh my god, somebody throw holy water at me!

did I actually try doing aegyo? Oh my god, somebody throw holy water at me!

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She just burst out laughing. Okay that was brilliant. Kudos Park Chanyeol, mission successful. She smiled. She laughed. A dash of cold wind blew straight through my heart. I kept looking at her, trying to take all the moments and save them in little boxes inside my half-used brain.

"Are you okay Chan?" She asked me as she regained her breath from laughing.

"Oh I'm alright." *I was so not.*  "And you?"

"Hah I don't know. I guess I'll be fine." She looked away. Why did you look away Y/N? I know you're not fine. Don't hide your pain when you're so absolutely transparent to me.

"You're brave to say that."

"No just dumb I guess." *No you're so not dumb...*

"You're not dumb. If I were you I would've done something wrong by now." A fire was building up inside me. It was getting harder to suppress it.

The ❛One❜ Who Saved Me • 박찬열#2 ✔Where stories live. Discover now