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"Chanyeol!" She screamed as she was startled to see me like that. She kept staring at me with a blank face. What was I? A ghost? I gave up eventually.

"Sorry I startled you. Do your work. Good night."

I didn't know what to say to her so I started walking away after saying this. Wait! I'm not done with her. She's messing with my head too much now. Something made me turn around and go back. She pretended not to see me.

"On second thoughts, how can you be so careless to not even sense when someone came and stood in front of you? Or wait...were you trying to seduce me with that sexy neck-cracking? That ain't working honey..."

Her face stiffened. "I wasn't trying any funny business, Sir."

'Sir'? I didn't want to hear that! She calls everyone by their names or so I've heard. Why 'Sir' me?

"Why would you call me Sir once you've called me by my name? Call me Chanyeol."

She bobbed her head a bit and looked away. She was getting on my nerves again. I became impatient.

"Yah! I was waiting for you!"

"Why?" She spat at me rightaway.

"I thought those two lovebirds would never leave."

"How can I help you, sir?"

"I told you to call me by my name!"

Her expression turned cold. "I take names of the people I consider friends. I don't think I can say that about you."

I was a bit surprised by her attitude. This is the Y/N I've been hearing about? Aish, this rude girl!

"You seriously have no manners."

"You're the one to talk!" She yelled back at me.

"Ohooo fiesty girl~!"

She just rolled her eyes away. Ahh she was getting on my nerves!

"Yah! Look at me! I'm sorry..."

She turned quickly towards me with her brows raised in the sky. "You're... what?"

"I'm sorry." I meant it.

"For which one exactly?"

Hang on, I couldn't seriously be apologizing to her, can I? So I just changed the topics. In any case she wasn't the girl that I expected her to be. Instead she was this irritating person who just crept her way to my nerves.

"I'm sorry that you didn't have a proper behavioral education...I really am."

The look on her face was worth watching. She got dark with anger. But she looked so cute. I couldn't help but smile at her cute small face getting all red. She was seriously very angry because she threw her pen away and started to storm out of there. I was still laughing. But as she didn't stop at all, I suddenly followed her. She had taken the elevator, so I had to take the stairs. I was a stair-person anyway. I ran up all the floors, panting heavily. I still had no idea why I was doing all this madness and for what. But everything happened out of instinct.

As I reached the terrace, I saw nobody there. Looking around for a little while I saw her sitting up that huge tower. Oh my god! What do I do know?

"Yah! Come down!"

She didn't answer.

"If you don't come down, I'll...I'll go up!"

She remained silent yet again. This was cracking me, so I just couldn't bear it anymore.


I took a deep breath and started climbing up the ladder. I closed my eyes because if I look down, I might faint.

" know...I have...a major fear...of heights..."

I struggled up the ladder with a thumping heart and somehow managed to sit next to her.

"Yah! Why did you make me do this?"

"I never asked you to follow me here..."

"You shouldn't leave like that then! Aish..."

There wasn't much room to fit both of us there. But I didn't want to feel out of touch of anything so I kept fidgeting. Heights scared the hell out of me. She started to move away from me and somehow that absolutely freaked me out in that situation.


Okay where was she going? Can't she understand how freaked out I am? Ahh where is she now? Oh shit. I threw my arms in the air hoping to find her and eventually had to open my eyes. She was still beside me. I felt a rush of relief as I caught hold of her arm and closed my eyes again. This time I'm not going to let me freak me out again.

"What the hell?!" She was clearly surprised by my actions. But I was losing my head anyway so I didn't care for now.

"Just sit like that, or else get down with me."

"I didn't ask you to come here with me so I'm not going to go down."

Okay now she was just being plain irritating. I'll just get her down. So I grabbed her tighter and pulled her down the ladder. She kept struggling but I had my firmest grip on her hands.

"YAHH-!! What have I ever done to you? Why are you being like this to me since the first day!?"

I made her stand and went a little further as she was losing it. I was losing it as well.


I blurt out. There was a long pause. I didn't understand why I just said sorry, and meant it. But since I had, I couldn't keep in all my frustrations and blurt out everything.

"I'm sorry for behaving the way I did... Mostly, I'm sorry for pushing you that day. I've been trying for a long time to apologize but I always  find you doing something that makes my mind go crazy. You irritate me so much! That day when I tried to come and say sorry, I found you stupidly blushing over Jaebum. You're such a weirdo! Why would you go to the party with someone like Jaebum? And after agreeing to go out with Jaebum, you're spending late nights with Jungkook. And speaking of Jungkook, what the hell  were you doing with him out so late? Taehyung kept nervously moving around the hallway the whole time waiting for Jungkook to come, thinking he went on a date with some  girl. At least he was relieved when he knew it was you. How is it that people trust you with their deepest things? How is that I regret  shouting at you and behaving badly with you, when this is what I've been doing with everyone recently without even feeling guilty? Why was I thinking of you so much while I was at the hospital? How is it that even though almost everything  you do gets me irritated, I still want to argue with you about them? What are you...What WHAT??!!"

The ❛One❜ Who Saved Me • 박찬열#2 ✔Where stories live. Discover now