The Confession

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"This wouldn't have happened if you weren't a slut, Mattie."
"Al, leave it alone. It happened and there's nothing we can do aboot it." Matthew swallowed, trying his best not to let his brothers words get to him.
"Who should we tell first? France? England?"
"Probably both of them at once. I want to wait a while before I tell the possible fathers."
"I can't believe you got laid by three different guys, three days in a row."
"I've done much worse but okay."
"When should we tell them?"
"We should call them up right now and tell them, obviously." Matthew kicked his brother in the shins, but softly so he wouldn't leave a bruise.
"We need to tell them in person."
"The yearly world summit ended yesterday so we won't be able to meet with them for a while."
"Unless we call them."
"They'd need a good reason to come all the way to Canada."
"I don't need a reason to come to Canada."
"Yeah, but you live a few hours away from me and our dollar is always low."
"It wouldn't be that way if you accepted capitalism into your heart more."
"There is literally no correlation there but okay."
"So are we gonna call our parents or what?"
"We can Skype them I guess..."
"They're so old tho...Iggy doesn't even know what skype is."
"Sure he does. We Skype all the time."
"So he lied to me."
"I pretended I didn't have a phone for years just to avoid you even though a Canadian invented them so I'm not really surprised that he lied to you."
"Meanie!" Alfred stuck out his tongue.
"I'll use my phone." Matthew pulled the device from his pocket. He opened the skype app and started a chat with Arthur and Francis.
The Frenchman was the first to answer the call. He always had his phone on him.
"Matthieu? What's wrong? You don't usually skype me unless zhere's an emergency."
"We have to wait until Arthur answers."
"It's teatime, Matthieu. You know 'e doesn't take calls when 'e's drinking tea or watching Doctor Who."
"This isn't something I can just leave him out of the loop on, and I don't want to explain this too many times."
"I can pass zhe message on, if you like."
"It's reeeeeeally important that I tell him face to face."
"Mon dieu, Matthieu. What did you get yourself into zhis time?"
"You say that like he gets in trouble a lot." Alfred squeezed in next to Matthew.
"'e gets into trouble all zhe time,"  Francis insisted.
"Why don't we just wait for dad to finish his tea. He'll only be another half hour."
"Good idea." Francis agreed.
"Hey, congrats on your new president! Trudeau and Marcon get along great."
"Oui! Zhey are one in zhe same!"
"But lemme tell you, being liberal after ten years of complete Conservative bullshit is so relieving." Matthew smiled. "You'll understand someday, Al."
"Fuck you." Alfred huffed.
"Happy birzhday, too! Zhat was Saturday wasn't it?"
"Mine is tomorrow!!!" Alfred insisted.
"Oui, but Matthieu turned cent-cinquante. He's more important this year."
"Hello? I'm sorry, I just finished my tea. What are you skyping me about?" Arthur's face appeared on the screen.
"Oh, hey Arthur..." Matthew took a deep breath. "I have important news. You might want to take a seat."
"I'm already seated. What is it, lad?"
"Well...I'm pregnant..."

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