Breaking Point

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I have decided that my next fic will be a Prucan paranormal based on a prompt my wife sent me over a year ago since her birthday is coming up and she liked the last fic I wrote for her. Plus I think we have a theme going where she draws me art and I write her fics. It's going to be called "Walking with a Ghost" after the Tegan and Sara song.
Here's the cover:

"Is Matthew awake?" Arthur asked Lars and Ivan when he stepped into the room

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"Is Matthew awake?" Arthur asked Lars and Ivan when he stepped into the room. He was still worried about Francis getting into trouble, but in the end, Matthew was more important.
"He's hiding under the blankets whimpering and he won't let us touch him." Lars explained with concern.
"Allow me to help." Arthur walked over to the bed, kneeling and speaking in a soft voice. "Matthew, lad, it's me."
"Yes. What's wrong? Are you hurting? Are you sick?"
Matthew's hand slithered out of the blanket, reaching toward Arthur.
The Brit took the appendage in his own, squeezing it tightly.
"Just squeeze for yes and pull for no, okay?"
Matthew squeezed.
"Good. Now are you sick!"
A squeeze.
"Should I call a doctor?"
A pull.
"Is it because you're not sick enough to be worried?"
A pull.
"Do you not want me to leave?"
"Lars, go call the doctor." Arthur commanded. "And Ivan, go fetch Francis. Alfred too."
The two rushed off to do their duties while Arthur continued to comfort his child.
"I'm going to take the blanket off you and sit you up. Is this okay?"
Matthew squeezed his hand.
"Good lad. Just be strong. Your papa will be here soon." Arthur pulled the blanket away, revealing a very terrified Canadian. His eyes were closed and his breathing was strained. His free hand clutched his stomach, which he had coiled himself around.
"Everything will be okay." Arthur whispered softly.
"Daddy...I'm scared." Matthew croaked out. Arthur felt his paternal instincts kicking in. He put his hand on his son's head and pet him softly.
"Where is he? What's happening?" Alfred pushed into the room in full panic mode.
"Alfred, deep breaths." Arthur warned.
"Al..." Matthew tried to reach out his hand but he was weak.
"Mattie! Don't worry, I'm here. I'll keep you safe." Alfred climbed onto the bed and pulled Matthew into his arms. "Your big bro is here now. Everything will be okay."
"Papa..." Matthew begged.
"He's coming. Ivan just went to find him."
"The doctor will be here in five minutes." Lars announced as he walked into the room.
"Did you hear that? You only have to wait five minutes and the doctor will tell you what's wrong. She'll fix you." Arthur soothed.
"What's 'appened?!" Francis rushed into the room, jumping into the bed at Matthew's feet.
"Look, your papa is here." Arthur continued soothing as Matthew reached toward The Frenchman.
Francis put his hands on each of Matthew's cheeks, stroking them with his thumbs.
"I'm right here. What's going on?"
Matthew took a deep breath, gathering his energy.
"I think the baby is coming."

So I guess I'm going to my cousin's for another week I guess so the last week of chapters will be postponed. I'll post as much as I can during the week and on that Sunday the rest will go up. No worries.

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