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"Alfred, it's been three weeks. You need to go home already." Francis had already cleaned Matthew's home up, not knowing what do do but not wanting to leave. However, it was time. He couldn't lie here the whole time. Arthur had already headed home the day before, not able to stomach everything that had happened, but Alfred and Francis were on the front deck, neither of them truly wanting to face home.
"I have nothing left for me at home. It's all in shambles and Mattie was the only thing..."
"I know. But we have to move on. It's for the best."
"What are we going to do with all this?" Alfred gestured to the house, and more specifically, the entire country.
"We'll have a meeting about that soon. But until then the only thing we can do is go home. I imagine you have work to catch up on."
"I can't."
"'aven't you learned anyzhing from zhat zhing wizh Davie? We can't afford to dwell on death like zhis. 'eaven knows it's torn me down time and again." Francis felt the tears coming back up again. "Our lives are just too long."
"That's the problem. Mattie was supposed to be my baby brother forever. He was supposed to be immortal too. But now he's gone and I don't know what to do."
Francis nodded, understanding completely.
" this a bad time?"
The pair turned toward the voice, seeing Ivan standing in the gateway.
"Non. It's not like there was ever a good time." Francis waved his hand to welcome the Russian in.
"What are you doing here?" Alfred asked. He slipped his hands into his pockets, hunching over slightly.
"I wanted to pay my respects." Ivan explained. So far nobody had showed up, but they had only just lifted the "ban" of sorts. Francis knew Matthew's old friends would be flooding in soon. Maybe it was a good idea to stay a little longer.
"He's out back." Alfred held out his hand. "Come on."
They had decided to bury Matthew in the back yard under the maple tree, right next to his baby. It was exactly the kind of place he would have loved to spend the rest of eternity.
Alfred lead the Frenchman and the Russian toward that tree, sitting down with them beneath it.
"I was in love with him." Ivan whispered.
"We all loved him. It won't be the same without him." Alfred pulled his legs up to his chest.
"Why did he have to go? He didn't deserve it."
"Of all the people for this to happen to..."
"There's so much I regret. I could have hung out with him so much more." Alfred crumbled once again, sobbing, rough and ragged.
Ivan hugged him tightly, rubbing his back.
"Their they're." The Russian soothed. "Why don't you stay one more night and then go back home?"
"I never want to go back to that rotten place again."
"What if I had him exterminated?"
"Who? Trump?"
"What do you want in return?"
"Kill Putin." (Please don't murder me daddy Putin ;))
"Okay, so we can clean up our act a little bit so he'll be proud of us and then we will send $1,000,000,000 CAN via PayPal to We will live a life of justice in his name. I promise."
"Yeah. That sounds good." Alfred nodded. "I wanna make Mattie proud."

My fanfictions still predict major world events so....lets just sit back and wait for the money to roll in and for your prez to get assassinated by Putin.

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