A Talk

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Here are some reader theories/wishes/ideas that I'm putting together because this chapter is gonna be short due to my laziness.

Matthew was crazy fucked up on day three from the weed but he didn't fuck Lars, it was Romano who he had sex with and Romano is the real dad

Russia ends up with America and Canada ends up with prussia but the baby is Russia's so the four of them are all the baby's dads and the child wins at the "my dad could beat up your dad" game.

Matthew ends up with Gil and the baby is Gils and they live happily ever after

"Nobody suspects Lars so it must be him."

Matthew isn't even pregnant it's just gas.

Somehow, the mirrors connecting Them to the 2p! World started working again and Matt is the dad?

"Mon Ami, you 'ave not been yourself lately. I zhink you need to talk about zhis."
"I can't. Not right now. Not wizh jou."
"I'm your closest friend."
"Und jou'll hate me if I tell jou."
"Zhere's nozhing you would do to make me 'ate you."
"Trust me on zhis one."
"You do not need to tell me. But you need to find someone to talk to about zhis. It's tearing you apart."
"I don't have anybody who deserves to be involved in mein problems."
"Look, zhis vill all be over vhen zhe baby comes und I can go home, so don't vorry too much." Gilbert stabbed his eggs repeatedly.
"And what if zhe baby is yours? What will you do zhen?"
Gilbert let out a choking noise and pushed his plate forward. "I...I don't know..."
"I zhink you need to talk to Matthieu about zhis one. 'E can 'elp you figure out what's best for zhe baby."
"It would be best if isht not mine."
"Look, genetically...I vouldn't be preferable. Do jou really vant a pale assed grandson vizh reckless tendencies und acid reflex? Cuz I don't vant to put a child zhrough zhat. It vas bad enough for me back in zhe day vhen I didn't have to go to school."
"Our love will overpower any bullying zhe child suffers from. And it will probably look more like Matthieu."
Gilbert only rolled his eyes.
"I'm going back to mein room."
"At least promise to talk to Matthieu later?"
"Tell me, are jou just trying to get us to talk it out und make up?"
"Are jou trying to get us together so Matthew cuts off zhe real dad und declares me to be zhe real dad?"
"I'm not!"
"Jou better not be, because ve're not right for each ozher. It vould be a toxic environment for zhe kid."
"I just want to see 'im 'appy, Gil. And I've never seen 'im 'appier zhan when 'e was wizh you."
Gilbert stood up, looking like he was about to cry. "He vouldn't be happy vizh me after all zhe shit I pulled. He's better off vizh Lars or even Ivan. Zhey're good enough for him. I'm not."
"'ow long do you plan to stay in you're room?"
"I'll come out for food. I just need to be alone."
"Good luck, zhen."


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