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We also need to name this brat so send ideas!
Also the great and powerful prime minister Justin Trudeau was at Halifax Pride parade Saturday. well...will be...I'm writing this on Friday but anyway he's in my home province and there's a chance I might go. Pride parade and Justin Trudeau. Don't believe me? It's Trudeau! Ba dum tss!

"Good news! The doctor said you're doing fine." Lars announced as he woke Matthew up three months into his pregnancy. Gilbert had barely left his room since that fallout he had with Francis and Lars had been picking up the slack as Matthew got further along.
"I don't feel it. Trust me."
"What's wrong?" Lars sat down on the bed, putting his hand on Matthew's forehead.
"I'm tired and my feet hurt and I'm nauseous all the time."
"You don't drink the water I leave you for one, but it's perfectly normal to feel like that."
"I'm dying, Lars. I don't care aboot your dumb water."
"This is the finest water in the world, Matthew. I'm trying to pamper you!"
"We both know that water is from my tap."
"Yeah, but your tap water tastes good."
"It does."
"Do you want me to rub your feet, then? It'll take some of your pain away."
"Yes, please." Matthew rolled from his side to his back and Lars pulled the blankets off his feet so he could massage them.
"Any ideas about names yet?"
"Not really. Just a few hockey player names."
"That is so you." Lars chuckled. "If it's a boy and mine can we call it Cooper? Then it would be Cooper Anderssen and it could confuse people."
"What if it's Gil's and then we get married so it's Cooper Anderssen and it has white hair."
"That's fucked up. I like it."
"You like the idea of marrying me? Interesting..."
"I didn't mean that..."
"I know. I was joking."
"But honestly, marriage-wise who is the best?"
"Of you three? Probably you."
"Me? Seriously?"
"Yeah. Gil is shit and Ivan is good but he's not good in the bedroom, and that's a must for me. Good sex or no sex, you know?"
"You don't even remember how I am in bed? If we even were?"
"I feel like I had sex that day. I remember naked bodies and a pretty prime dick."
"What makes you think that was my dick?"
"Well, mostly everybody was asleep at that point. Only Romano, Spain, France, and you were left and I've never showed interest in any of them."
"I don't remember a thing. That was some strong weed."
"It was."
"Are your feet feeling better?"
"So much better. Do the other one."
"Yes, your majesty."
" you ever think aboot how you were almost my dad."
"I...I do now."
"Like if you weren't screwing around with Iroquois and guns and Africa then I might have been calling you daddy in another way."
"Why does this get me weirdly hot and bothered?"
"Cuz you have a little brother complex?"
"I do not. I just...dote on Louis a lot..."
"Maybe it's better that it's not yours lol."
"It's got a two in three chance of being a tall fuck anyway."
"And it's got a two in three chance of being blond."
"Gilbert's a fucking outlier and shouldn't be counted tbh."
"Tell me, Lars," Matthew stretched out the foot that the Dutchman wasn't rubbing, "is the reason you don't want to actively father this child related to the reason why you didn't take North American colonies? Because you felt overpowered and afraid it was gonna be stolen from you?"
Lars put Matthew's foot back on the bed and stood up. "Do you want breakfast?"
So it was true...
"Make me some killer pancakes."
"I'll be right back."

Lars in The Long Way Home/short way back: don't fujking call me daddy nonononono!

Lars in this: mmmm call me daddy

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