Baby Bumps

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"Can I touch your belly?!" Antonio asked, kneeling next to Matthew. It was now five months into the pregnancy and the Canadian was really showing. He was used to people petting his baby bump by now. Francis and Ivan did it all the time.
"Sure. What are you doing here?"
"I invited him over so help with our little issue upstairs." Francis was, of course, referring to the Prussian who hadn't even left his room for food in three days. He ate what Francis left at his door, but this whole thing was getting out of hand.
"And I invited Lovi so I wouldn't be lonely."
"Shut up." Lovino poked the Spaniard in the side.
"Oh wow! Owe. It's so firm!" Antonio pet the tummy, giddy as a Spaniard could be.
"Lovi, we should get one!"
"Haha no!"
"Awe come on!"
"No way! Not with you!"
"You're not fun."
"Get another turtle and go talk to your idiot friend, okay? I'm gonna have a coffee and hang out with this guy."
Antonio grinned, taking Francis by the hand and dragging him upstairs.
"So...does it hurt?" The Italian asked.
"I can't even walk without my feet hurting and all I want to do is sleep but Lars won't let me."
"What an asshole."
"I know. You should have prevented me from having sex with him that night."
"I wasn't there? Was I?"
"You were there in the beginning. I don't know when you left, but you weren't there when I woke up."
"I was so wasted that night. When I came to I was naked underneath your pool table in the spare room and there was whipped cream in my butthole."
"Oh, you're giving me ideas!"
"One of those cool whip cans with the nozzle would fit in there perfectly. And then bed it to the side a little and hello Benjamin."
"Ugh. You're nasty."
"I'm gonna try it as soon as my body is up for the ride."
"I'm just saying, it's better to give than receive. I was pooping desert toppings for the next week."
"I'd have to find somebody to do it to then." Matthew sighed.
"You have three candidates, don't you?"
"Ugh. They're all bad. They're either bad in bed or bad people."
"If you ask me, you should totally hook up with Lars. He's got money and a cute sister."
"He doesn't like me back and he's too overprotective."
Lovino pat Mattthew on the back. "I hear overprotective guys are into kinky shit.~"
"Do you know from experience?"
"You kidding? I wish! I've been with Spain for so long. I haven't slept with anybody else."
"What?? Not even once?!"
"Not that I know of."
"Yikes. We gotta find you a side hoe!"
"Nah. I've been with that asshole so long that it would be weird."
Matthew thought back to how it had felt to sleep with Ivan after being with Gil so long.
"I know how you feel."
"Matthew, what do you want for dinner?" Lars poked his head into the living room where the other two were sitting.
"Kraft dinner."
"That's not heal-"
"Give the man his Mac and cheese!" Lovino shouted.
"Fine." Lars slipped out of the room and Matthew grinned at his Italian friend.
"Can you maybe stay here for a while? You can balance Lars out and Spain can get Gil to come out of his room!"
Lovino smirked evilly. "Sounds like a plan."

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