Night One

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Usually when I format my titles like this something bad happens and I fuck it up so let's see how long before I meme it out.

The thought probably started that morning as he lay next to his boyfriend.
When was the last time they had actually done it before the previous night? Matthew was sure there was still snow on the ground.
He didn't want to put the blame on Gilbert. The albino lived far away and still had to stay home for long periods of time to help out with German affairs. The pair really only saw each other when there were world meetings lately.
It was kind of scary to think that they might be growing apart after less than two years.
He refused to think that he would get tired of this man so quickly. Maybe if they were together more...yeah! That's what he needed to do. He needed to ask Gilbert to move in with him.
But how was he going to bring it up?
"Jou're up already?" Gil opened his ruby eyes slowly, looking more tired than loving like he had when they first started hooking up. He missed that hazy stare, warm and affectionate, the kind of stare that made him fuzzy on the inside.
"Happy Canada day."
"Oh ja. Happy birzhday."
"I was thinking...that after the party tonight...we could steal a bottle of whisky and get plastered by the river." Matthew kissed the Prussian's head, wanting to stir up the lust within him again.
"Sorry, Birdie. I have a plane to catch tomorrow morning."
"Why then? Everybody else is going home on the third."
"I have work to do."
"What work? You're not even a country anymore!" Whoops.
"Matt..." Gilbert put his hand on Matthew's cheek, now moist with tears. His face looked more annoyed than sympathetic, though.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you like that."
"I forgive jou."
Apparently not enough to change his mind, however.
"Just promise me you'll watch the fireworks with me, okay?"
"I promise."
"Good." Matthew slipped out of bed, stretching his arms out and his back. He felt perfectly comfortable being casually naked around Gil by then, so the walk across the room to get boxers wasn't awkward at all. Usually, Gilbert would watch him, but that time he just went back to sleep. Matthew pouted and slipped into a full outfit before tiptoeing into the hallway
"Bonjour!" (Was gunna write good morning but then I looked it up and Bonjour is good morning. I always just thought it was hello but according to my French-English dictionary...) Francis greeted cheerfully. Arthur was right next to him, growling over a cup of orange pekoe.
"You should put a bit of cinnamon in that. It makes the tea so much better." Matthew suggested.
"What do you know about tea? You mixed hot water with milk and honey and called it tea for years when you were young."
"Taxes were high. At least I didn't throw a tantrum like Al."
"I was going to ask if you slept well, but you clearly did not."
"'E tossed and turned all night."
"There was a frog in my bed."
"Anyway...I know you slept very, very well last night.~"
"I 'eard you from zhree rooms away."
"Morning." Lovino entered the kitchen, turning the conversation away from sex.
The day would continue with ease from there. They would all have a breakfast of pancakes and bacon before going outside and attending a nearby parade as a large and hectic group.
But no matter how much fun he had that day, he wouldn't be able to prepare himself for the pain that would follow.

I am 0 chapters again kill me pls.
Guess who might be due for another week long hiatus?
We shall have to see though because I finally cleaned my room so I have time to kill.
As long as I don't waste it playing Pokemon.

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