The First Possibility

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Cosplay is art

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Cosplay is art

"You can do this, Matt." Matthew muttered to himself as he stood in front of the heavy wooden door. "God, this was such a dumb idea. Why did it have to be face to face?"
Matthew knew why it had to be this way. Gilbert wasn't answering his texts or phone calls or emails. He wasn't even answering his faxes. Yes, people still fax.
His only choice was to come all the way to Germany in order to deliver the news.
He took a deep breath and pounded his hand against the wooden door. He wished that he had've brought Alfred with him for support, but the American would only get in the way and he knew this.
"Hallo?" Lugwig was the one to open the door. Matthew swallowed.
"I need to see Gilbert."
"He's not talking to anybody right now."
"I would come all the way here if it wasn't important. Please let me see him."
The German in the doorway scowled. Matthew stuck out his lip.
"I'm begging you."
"I zhink I should ask him first."
"No! You know he'll say no and this isn't something I should keep from him for a long time."
Ludwig sighed. "Fine. Jou know vhere his room is. But if he von't let jou in, zhere's nozhing I can do for jou."
"That's fair."
"I'll be in mein office. Jou can let jourself out." At least he wasn't so mad that he didn't trust Matthew in his home.
"I will."
He stepped into the house and Ludwig stomped up the stairs. His feet took me toward the basement door and his hands opened it.
Gilbert's bedroom was on the other side of the door at the bottom of the steps. Matthew had spent a lot of time down there when they dated.
He didn't think he would ever return after that one fight.
"Hey, Gil? It's me?"
"Vhat do jou vant?"
"Oh geez." Matthew sighed. "I need to talk to you."
"I'm busy."
"It's important."
Matthew groaned. Why did he have to be so frustrating?
"I'm pregnant."
"Vhat?" Matthew heard some clattering and then footsteps. Gilbert opened the door and stuck his head out.
"You might be a dad soon."
"Might?" The Prussian raised an eyebrow. "Vhat do jou mean 'might'. Und how zhe hell are jou pregnant?"
"Francis said that it was really rare and that it's even rarer to carry the baby to term." Matthew dragged his foot along the floor. "But if I end up giving could be the father..."
"Could be zhe father? Vhere jou cheating on me?"
"No. The other two were after we broke up."
"Two?? Jesus Matthew. Vhat did jou get jourself into?"
"Hey, to be fair, I don't even know if I had sex with Lars or not." Matthew insisted.
"So, vhat now? Do jou vant be back or somezhing, because-"
"I only wanted you to know. You can do whatever you want with the news." Matthew stuffed his hands in his pocket. "For all I care you can pretend it's not yours and just go on with your life."
"Matthew," Gilbert's face went soft, "do you really want the baby?"
"If you're talking about abortion, I'm not doing it. It's so rare for one of our kind to do this so I'd feel guilty." Matthew started to turn around but Gilbert caught his shirt.
"I'll help jou take care of it."
"You will?"
"Ja." He nodded, "but only if it's mine. Okay?"

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