An ending(?)

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Me: Gay singers never use pronouns in their songs how am I supposed to catch my homophobic relatives off guard??

Ria Mae: hey

Matthew's condition didn't improve from there. Day after day he slept more and more, his voice got fainter and his hands shook when he lifted them. Francis had put together a small funeral for the baby and invited all the almost fathers. He carried Matthew into the garden all by himself so he could be there for the child he had lost.
But it wasn't depression that was getting to the Canadian. His own body was kicking back. Injuries weren't healing and some old scars had opened up.
"Don't ever let this happen again." Matthew whimpered one day as his wounds were bandaged yet again. "Don't let anybody go over five months."
"It's my fault. If I 'ad known it would do zhis to you..." Francis barely left Matthew's side through it all. None of his family did. The three of them, Alfred, Arthur, and Francis, had made everybody else leave. They knew there was nothing they could do for Matthew, so they decided to make the most of the time they had left as a family.
Alfred and Francis were the most torn up about it. Arthur was still as distraught as any father would be and Matthew was taking it one step at a time but Francis and Alfred barely spoke. There was a lot of crying going on between those two.
At night, the four of them always curled up in Matthew's bed, consoling each other and reminiscing.
"Do you remember when I first started living with you and Arthur?" Matthew asked Alfred, voice muffled by his brother's chest.
"You cried for weeks and you wouldn't sleep in your own bed for months." Arthur recalled.
"Really?! That's so cute." Francis squeezed Matthew a little too tight and he let out a pained squeak.
"It's alright." Matthew assured.
"The crying was okay compared to Alfred wetting the bed for five whole years."
"I told you not to speak of that ever!!!"
"Well, it's too late now." Arthur smirked.
"I hate you so much."
"So wait...those few times when I slept in your bed..."
"I'm still not sorry."
"Matthieu, you look tired again. You should rest." Francis pulled Matt away from Alfred and into his own arms. "Sleep over here for the night."
"No! He's mine!" Alfred whined.
"I haven't gotten him at all." Arthur reminded them.
"Fine. You can have him for tonight but I get him tomorrow!" Alfred promised.
"Ew. I don't want you to pee on me."
"Hey! The last time I wet the bed was ten years ago!"
"What the fuxk??"
"Alfred I thought I raised you better." Arthur pulled Matthew onto his side of the bed.
"Hey, guys?"
"Yeah, Matt?"
"I love you so much. No matter what."
"We all love you too, Matthew." Arthur held Matthew tightly with one arm and Francis with the other. Alfred squirmed in with his brother, tucking them into a tight little ball of ancient beings.
They didn't know that those words Matthew had spoke were the last. They didn't know that by the time they had fallen asleep, his life had started to slip away.
And they didn't know that Matthew would be dead by morning.

Watching yuri on ice with my cousin and her boyfriend and I'm just trying to see how long before they realize it's gay.

Update: I think the dog has a crush on Makachen because she's watching intently.

Hey did nobody notice that JJ did the Catholic cross thing before all of his programs???????? What does this mean??? Is JJ Catholic????

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