The Wait

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You're getting the rest of the weeks chapters today because my internet was down. Next weeks chapters will be posted whenever I get internet during the next week because I won't be home. Sorry my dudes.

"It's a bit early. Do you think it's premature?" Ivan wondered. The three possible parents had been banished to the hallway. Only France, England, America, and the doctor were allowed in the room. Romano was guarding the door to make sure nobody else slipped past and Spain was in and out, delivering water and running chores so the others could stay with the Canadian.
"Who knows. Our terms might be shorter than a human. The doctor said he was fine so he should be fine." Lars assured them.
"I still have a bad feeling about zhis." Gilbert muttered softly. "Why do you care?" Lars groaned. "You don't even want it."
"Mattie is still mein friend und he vants it so I'd be pretty sad if he lost it, even if it's mine."
"You want him back, don't you?" Ivan had his eyes on the ground, not ready to face Gilbert's reply.
"Ja. I do."
"He's not going to take you back after what you did." Lars stated evenly.
"I know zhat, und it eats me up inside all zhe time. But zhere's nozhing I can do about it."
"I hope he shatters your heart into a million pieces." Ivan hissed.
"Und I hope he kicks jou out for being too overbearing."
"Guys," Lars warned, "stop bickering. He already said I would be the best out of us three."
"He kissed me a few months ago."
"So? I'm zhe only one of us whose actually dated him."
"Yeah, and look how that turned out."
"You guys don't even want the baby. Why are you still here?"
"Maybe I do want the baby? Opinions change, you know."
"I'm still staying, whether it's mine or not." Ivan insisted.
"Why? What will you get from that?" Lars asked.
"You've colonized before, Lars. You've gotten this chance, and Gilbert had Ludwig. I haven't been able to raise somebody from scratch."
"Then you better hope it's yours because you're not butting in on my child's life."
"That's enough you bastards!" Romano groaned from the doorway. "The three of you are acting like selfish pricks. None of you deserve to be that kid's baby daddy."
"Well, who else is going to raise it? You? Not likely." Lars rolled his eyes.
"If I have to in order to make sure that kid doesn't turn out like you then so be it." Romano groaned. "Now shut up or none of you get dinner tonight."
"I'm just going to eat out." Gilbert hissed back.
"It's not like I could eat when Matvey is in there suffering." Ivan crossed his arms.
"So be it." Lars sighed.
"If this keeps up, you won't just be banished from the room, you'll be banished from the house."
The other three shut their mouths instantly. None of them wanted to be that far away from what was happening inside that room.
"Good." Lovi nodded. "Matthew is in pain in there and you're just talking about yourselves. It's disgraceful."
"Lovi..." Antonio poked his head out of the bedroom door. "We're almost done in here."
"How long until we can see him?" Ivan asked.
"When the doctor says so." Antonio answered. "But I don't think it will be any time soon."

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