3-The Wedding

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Andy sighed, looking in the mirror. She felt her heart beat increase as every second ticked on the large clock in front of her.

"Hey baby," Carr said with a wink. "Well aren't you looking sexy." She turned around to face him, throwing the stress ball she had on her hand. "Not working? Hey they never worked for me either."

"I'm scared, Carr."

"No need to be. We're getting married in front-"

"No I'm serious now." He sighed as he placed his hand under her chin. She looked up at his smile and relaxed. "I'm being stupid aren't I?"

"Just a little." He kissed the top of her head before standing back. "You both love each other more than I have ever seen anyone love each other. You've both been waiting for this long enough so now it's time to man up and walk down that aisle we made for you and marry the man you love."

She felt her neck burn as she took the steps to the door. Her mum rushed in and handed her the bouquet of roses.

"He's really happy, Andy. He just wants you as his wife at the end of all of this."

"Thank you Carr." She straightened her dress as her mum fussed about the train. After weeks of searching for the right dress, she finally went with a simple lace with a small train. "I'm still telling Nathan you hit on me."

"Of course," he said rolling his eyes. "Go run off to daddy."

"Ew! Stop it."

"I'll see you at the end of the aisle babe," he said with a laugh.

"Ready?" her mum asked. Andy smiled and nodded her head. The door opened again and she saw her father standing outside, rocking back and forth.

"There's my princess. You look beautiful darling."

"I'm ready, dad."

* * *

Nathan felt Andy run her hands through his hair. He softly kissed her neck before placing his head back on her shoulder. He felt her kiss his head and smiled.

The wedding went smoothly, no disruptions, no complaints- to their face anyways. Although it wasn't in the place they imagined, saying their vows in the first place they met was something special that they both shared even if people didn't see it. It was when Nathan was assigned to Andy if she had any questions or enquiries. She didn't like him much at first but then again, that was when he pointed out her t-shirt was inside out in front of everyone. He remembered her cheeks going all red and immediately made a joke saying how he still had those days.

Nathan looked up at Andy, smiling as she watched everyone on the dance floor. When she felt him move, she looked down at him.

"I love you," he whispered.

"I love you too." He puckered his lips and with a laugh, she leaned down to kiss him. "I think you're a bit tipsy." Nathan frowned before putting a hand behind her neck. "Yes you are."

"Nope." He put his head back on her shoulder and sighed. "You're really comfy."

"I know. And you are a little tipsy. It's good to see you let loose."

"I'm sorry."

"No! Seriously, Nathe, you're always so serious. It's good." His lips slowly traced up her neck, making her giggle. "Stop it!"

"You know you don't want me to stop," he whispered. He straightened up, moving his face to hers. "I say we start making a move, wife."

She shook her head with a laugh. "No. We are going to stay here and dance, eat-" Nathan quickly leaned down and kissed her. He felt her lean in and slowly turned so he was closer to her.

"Alright lovebirds!" Carr shouted as he neared them. "If you wanted us gone then you could have said so."

Neither of them pulled back from the kiss. Carr sighed as he went behind them and flicked their heads. "Ow! Carr what the fuck?" Andy shouted.

"Stop snogging the life out of each other and come and dance." Nathan shrugged off his blazer before rolling his sleeves up. Andy smiled up at him.

"You look so sexy doing that," she said with a laugh.

Carr looked around the room with a sigh. All the firefighters were on one side of the room dancing like little kids. Everyone was watching them whilst laughing, pointing at the worse looking one.

When Nathan firmly placed his hands on Andy's waist, she leaned back into him. She felt his lips at her neck and giggled. He had shaven his face so it never tickled her as much as it usually did.

"Hey baby," she heard him say. They were on the dance floor now so she had to strain to hear what he was saying. "You look fucking beautiful."

She turned around to face him but he quickly placed his lips on hers. A laugh escaped her lips which resulted in Nathan smiling as he pulled back. "I never really told you how handsome you look today. All that extra gym sessions really paid off. I knew you were getting into shape but goddamn, that suit..." Andy whistled as Nathan wrapped his arms around her. His hands rested on her lower back. "You looked so damn sexy, Nathe. You know I always love a man in uniform."

Nathan chuckled as he spun her around. He pulled her back against his stomach. With one hand, he gently pulled her hair to one side before kissing her shoulder. "You know what I love about you?"

"Enlighten me," she said with a laugh. She felt his lips travel up to her neck and sighed. "Baby you always know how to make me feel good."

"Don't get me started on that pumpkin. There is nothing more than I need than you right now," he groaned. "You make me feel so good pumpkin. You're always making me feel good about myself."

Andy tilt her head to the side, meeting his lips. She felt his hands run over her stomach. "Hey Nathe? I'm really, really hungry."

"So while I'm kissing you on our wedding day, all you can think about is eating."

"I say...we make our way and grab a big pizza on the way home."

Nathan carefully turned her around, being careful not to step on her train. He pulled her in for a kiss as he brought a hand up to her cheek. "I love you."

Andy pulled him down for another kiss. "I love you too."


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