9- Locked In

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(Had to add this! ☺️)

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(Had to add this! ☺️)

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Andy frowned at the pregnancy tests in her hands. All three were saying the same thing. She let out a frustrated groan before chucking them in the bin.

"Hey pumpkin, have you seen my wallet? I thought we can get some breakfast before I go into work." She stepped out the bathroom and opened the drawer beside their bed. "Ah thank you! Don't know what I'd do without you," he said with a laugh. He walked over to her, knowing the reason she was so upset.

"Don't," she whispered, already knowing what he was about to say.

"Pumpkin, it's gonna take a while, so just wait, yeah? How about we go back to the doctors in a month if nothing happens by then, yeah?" He kissed the top of her head and she looked up. "I love you, baby or no baby, okay? You need to understand that. Don't think I'm gonna leave you because we can't have a baby together. Don't ever think that."

She nodded her head before wrapping her arms around him. "I love you too."

"Good. Because I really want to take you out for breakfast. So put your coat on and let's go. I'm losing time already."

* * *

Truck 54, Squad 5, fire in orphanage, kids still inside.

Nathan jumped up along with the other firefighters. They quickly got into the truck and began making their way out the firehouse. Nathan wiped the black soot away from his cheek. They had just come out of a fire half an hour ago.

Before seeing the orphanage, he knew it was a bad fire, looking at the clouds of black smoke. "Asher, Carr, you're with me. Jess and Mo, vent the roof and Tony, I want you on the ladder, trying to get onto that top floor."

All the firefighters rushed to their positions. "You've got five minutes, Carter," he heard his chief shout.

Five minutes to save all the kids, he thought to himself. Without another second wasted, they all stormed into the building. Esposito and his men were in front of him, taking the right. With caution, Nathan took the first step on the staircase before rushing up the others.

"Clear down here!" he heard Esposito shout. The stomping of feet told him that they were now upstairs. "Spread out. Dawson and Jenkins, start the right."

Nathan kicked down the first door. "Fire department, call out!" He scanned the empty room, looking under the bed before calling it clear and moving to the next one. Seeing as all the firefighters had attended to each of the remaining doors, he rushed up the next flight of stairs, to find one bedroom. But it was locked. The heavy door closed behind him and he blinked to clear his vision.

He leaned into his walkie talkie. "Tony how we doing with the ladder?" He kicked the door twice, but nothing happened.

"Front face window, lieutenant!"

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