21- Normal

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Andy woke up with a sharp pain in her stomach. Nathan lay beside her, his arm draped across her thighs. When she groaned in pain, Nathan stirred.

"Everything okay, pumpkin?"

She pushed his arm away and got off the bed. As she waddled to the bathroom, she heard Nathan moving, most likely getting up from bed to see what was wrong. Just before she could take off her underwear, she felt a rush of liquid pass her legs. Nathan knocked on the door.

"Pumpkin, everything okay?"

She carefully stepped over the puddle and opened the door. "My water broke..." His eyes widened and he shook his head before speaking.

"Are you in any pain?"

"Not anymore. I feel normal."

"Normal?" Nathan asked cautiously. Andy smiled back at him. "Are you sure?"

"I feel normal. Dear God, thought it was gonna hurt so much at this point."

Nathan raised an eyebrow as he neared her. He carefully put a hand on her stomach but then she groaned in pain. "No more normal?"

"No more normal!" She breathed heavily to ease the pain in her stomach. "No more normal!" she screamed louder. She stared at Nathan who stood there. "Do something!"

"I can't take you in until you're a certain centimetre dilated." Her fingers curled around the heater as she straightened up. Nathan frowned, pulling his arms around her. "I'm so sorry pumpkin." He sighed as he heard her heavy breathing. "Lets go for a drive."

* * *

"Nathan!" Andy groaned. Nathan winced as he felt her nails dig into his skin. He raised his hand and pushed away her hair that had clung to her forehead with sweat. "Oh my-"

"Almost there!" the midwife said as she looked up at her. "You're a few pushes away, Andy."

She shook her head vigorously, groaning in pain. "I can't. Nathan, I can't." Her head slumped back into the pillow with another groan. Nathan's lips were cool to her burning skin. He put a hand on her cheek, not saying a word. "I can't do it anymore," she whispered.

"Pumpkin we're-you're almost there. Our little boy remember?"

"Fucking hell!" she yelled as as pushed again. "I think I pooped again." Nathan chuckled and kissed the top of her head again. "Do you promise?"

"Promise what?"

"To not look down there. Not like this. I pooped like three times-argh!"

"I promise!" he quickly said. "Push Andy."

She shook her head again. "I can't. It hurts, Nathan. I don't want to do this anymore."

"It's only a few more pushes left. Come on, pumpkin."

"Do you love me?"

"Of course I do."

"I'm sorry I've been a bitch recently- argh!" The grip on his hand tightened. "I'm apologising in advance now. I'm sorry I'm gonna be moody for the next eighteen years." Nathan chuckled as he leaned down to kiss her head.

"I think I can live with that. I love you, yeah?"

Andy nodded her head before pushing again. Her head fell back onto the pillow when she head a sharp cry. Nathan wiped her tears away with a frown. "We did it Nathan," she said with a sob. "Our little boy."

"Want to cut the cord?" Nathan turned towards the midwife who was smiling at him. He kissed Andy's head once more before cutting the cord. The midwife handed the baby to a nurse who wiped him clean. Andy watched every move. Nathan helped her sit up when the nurse came towards them.

"Does Mummy get to hold him first?" Nathan nodded his head and watched in awe as she handed their son into Andy's arms. She had stopped sobbing but had silent tears racing down her cheeks. His shaky hand rose slowly to the baby's cheek.

"It's our little boy, pumpkin," he said as tears formed in his eyes. "Daddy loves you so much."

"And so does mummy."

"Hey guys," the midwife said. "I'll be back after a while, give you two some space. I'll go over feeding and stuff like that with you. For now, I'm gonna need baby Lancaster back to clean him properly, okay?"

"So soon?"

"It will be five minutes."

"Can he hold him first?"

"Of course. We need to get you cleaned up too."

"Sister Samantha," Andy called before she left. Andy carefully placed their son into Nathan's arms. "Did I poo a lot?"

Sister Samantha waved a hand with a laugh. "Most women do. Don't worry about it."

Nathan looked down at his son, feeling his heart jump with joy. He had been excited throughout the entire pregnancy and prepared himself to finally see him but nothing prepared him to feel that happy. He felt Andy rest a hand on his elbow and looked down at her.

"He's so tiny," he said with a smile. "I think we should name him Sebastian," he whispered.

Andy smiled at them both. Sebastian was the only newborn baby they managed to save from the orphanage. He passed away two weeks ago from ongoing medical problems from the fire. She remembered Nathan calling her from the hospital, his words barely audible through his sobs. He made it his duty to go and see the baby after every shift so she couldn't imagine the pain he went through when he saw the small baby take his last breath.

"Sebastian is a lovely name." The midwife came back in. "Sebastian Carter. That's what our boy is gonna be called."

"That's a wonderful name. Ready to get cleaned up?"

Guys! Just one chapter left which is the epilogue

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Guys! Just one chapter left which is the epilogue. Can't believe this story has almost ended. Thank you for reading this so far everyone!

QUESTION: What is your favourite song at the moment? Or maybe your top three?

My favourite song at the moment is Silence- Marshmello ft Khalid

My favourite song at the moment is Silence- Marshmello ft Khalid

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