8- He Fell

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It was warm in the GP. Andy looked around the room before taking off her cardigan. Nathan took it off her hands and folded it onto his lap. She placed her head back onto his shoulder and sighed, breathing in his scent. He had always smelt the same.

Nathan stuck a hand out and placed it on her knee. She stopped shaking her leg and mumbled an apology. "Listen to me, whatever happens now doesn't matter because at the end of the day, we are still gonna start a family together. It may not be the way we imagined but we'll get there, I promise."

He kissed the top of her head just as her name bleeped onto the screen. Her eyes scanned over the bold red letters before standing up. Silently, they both walked down the hall. It was Nathan that knocked.

"Hey Andy, how you doing?" the doctor welcomed. She pointed to the seats, offering them the old worn leather chairs.

"Hey Dr Lebon." The doctor smiled at her.

"So let's get straight to it." She pushed her hair off her shoulders. "I had a look at your blood and the scans."

This is it, she thought. This is the moment they tell me I can't have children.

Nathan brought their joint hands to his lap, giving her hand a soft squeeze. "Your testosterone levels are quite high, like we have already discussed. However," the doctor said looking up them, "having a baby is still highly likely. It won't be easy, but you can get there."

Andy released a breath she didn't realise she had been holding. But now she felt her lungs begging for air and she breathed heavily to calm down the burning in her chest. "Okay...oh god, that's so good to hear."

"I'm sorry to be a joy kill, but would there be any complications?"

"Right, I was getting into that." Nathan kissed the top of her head with a smile. He lifted a hand to her cheek. She nodded her head to let him she was alright.

"So the last time you were pregnant, you did miscarry. But the only thing right now is that when you are pregnant, the first trimester is gonna be hard. Once you get through that stage, with our help, the major worries and complications shall be over."

Andy looked up at Nathan who had a small smile on his face. "So we can start a family? She could still get pregnant?"

"Very much so. I would have advised you to try and get pregnant around ovulation but with irregular periods, such as your own, it can be very hard to do. So my theory is just keep at it and hope for the best."

"I won't mind that," Nathan said with a smirk. Andy smacked his chest as a blush settled on her cheeks.

"So that's it, Andy, you're free to go. If you have any questions then you have my number and email. I hope the next time I see you is when there is a little one in your stomach."

"I hope so too," she whispered as she looked down at we stomach.

* * *

"She's such a bitch! I mean why on earth would she do that to me?"

Nathan raised his eyebrows as he lifted the cup of coffee to his lips. Jessica and Andy were in front of him, deep into their conversation. Jessica had almost recovered; her broken leg was going to take a few months to heal but other than that, she was cleared.

"No I see your point. She's your sister and she had no right," Andy agreed with her. She lifted the lid off the pan before closing it again. "Give me a sec, Jess, let me take this out."

Jessica remained silent as Andy turned the cooker off. Nathan stood up and walked behind her. "I got it, pumpkin. Put it in the large serving try to cool down?" She nodded her head.

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