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No one truely knows what love is. They think they know, but they don't. The one's that don't know what it is try to trick theirselves into thinking they love that one person when they don't. The one's that have strong  feelings for someone are the ones that get hurt the most, because they become so attached and the ones they "love" hurts them. They are usually the ones to eather take it step by step or go straight into it. But when they get hurt they get currupted. They turn around and start hurting other people and don't ever mean to, they end up cheeting or abusing the one person they are with. They are hurt so much they are scared to love again. You don't even realize that you hurt someone so much, until you see the pain you put them in. But some people are lucky when they find the one, the ones that are hurt look up to those people. The ones that are happy try to help the ones that are hurt, because they don't want to see them in that pain ever.

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