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It was a boring yet normal night for me tonight like the usual, people come in, purchase what they need, and leave. Counting the customers that visit has been one of my habits when I'm extremely bored, and at this moment I've reached sixty-four. The time right now wasn't close to my time-out and I'm waiting for something or more like someone to kill my boredom. Justin specifically.

I thought he said he would see me tonight. That's why I expected a lot more than serving people. Every dings of the bell that would go off every time someone gets in, my eyes would automatically search for his eyes or his cocky smile. I got none.

Dead hour is currently on but the bell rang and followed by Iris's girly voice. I bet Kenneth's with her. I shot up my eyes and I shake my head as I see that I was right. They're looking cute together, as much as I hate it. I am happy that Iris was happy and found someone to permanently kiss without being drunk. As harsh as it sounds like, she usually kisses random guys because of being so drunk. I just hope Kenneth isn't an âsshole.

"I was kinda hoping to see you and Justin making out somewhere here but I guess not now," she sighs, pulling away from Kenneth's grasp.

I playfully roll my eyes, walking to their table to sit with them for a while. "What do you guys want to drink?"

"We actually want two cones of frozen yogurt, please."

"Wow go get it yourself, I'm not serving y'all's cheesy âsses," I answer, leaning on the chair and closed my eyes.

"Somebody's jealous."

Before I stood up out of wanting to get away from Iris's irritating words, the bells chimed after the glass door opened. Checking my watch to see dead hour's not over yet, I shrug and took a look of the two customers that just came in.

A familiar guy in his typical hoodies and ripped jeans sat beside Iris and Kenneth's table with someone who had black natural curls. My teeth latched on my bottom lip as Iris says uh-oh and decided to make their cones of frozen yogurt.

I decided to help Iris just to avoid him and when I was on the verge of finishing the second twirl of the yogurt, his voice made me jump so the twirl's not perfect anymore. "Hey Liv? What's up?"

Turning around, I gave him a tight lipped smile and answered. "How can I help you?"

He seemed to be taken aback from how formal I sounded. Anyways, he puts two cans of beer and a coke on the counter. Iris thankfully got their ice creams so I could serve Justin. They both smiled at each other awkwardly as I scan the bar codes of the items. I was about to tell how much the payment is but I already saw a bill on his hand.

His eyes were unreadable when I momentarily looked at them. Maybe because of how brief I glanced at them. I gave him his change and repeated the same kind of smile I gave him minutes ago.

"Are you okay Liv?"

"Please don't call me that," I shake my head, folding my arms.

Our eyes met once again but I look away out of how embarrassed I am that seeing him with a drop dead gorgeous girl made me upset. He licks his lips and chuckles in disbelief. "You never complained like that before."

And there he was again. Being fûcking right.

"Can you just go away? I have someone to keep company," I smile sarcastically. My voice lowers as I say the next sentence. "And you also seem to have one."

It's my turn to walk away except I didn't brush my shoulders against his. I sat on the same spot I was in before Justin came and pretended that I wasn't insecure.

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