15: By Now

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(Josh's POV) sometime 2011

We were tracking one of the first songs of the new record, By Now. It was a demo at the moment, a fuck around song to get us back in the groove when the offer came upf foe for a contest related to Good To You.

Went through that pretty fast, video, single. It was a whirlwind. I just didn't know what to think when Vivii came up to me. She had her eyes trained on me with a harsh look.

"Josh," Vivii started. "you know little Nic?" Vivii added, looking her green eyes at me. "She thinks she lost her virginity last night when she did some stupid shit she regrets and she feels so guilty." Vivi felt now kinda bad. But Nic was going to be in four days.

"Throw up your arms into the sky.. You and I.." I hummed. Didn't know what to say and I was blushing furiously.

"Josh, I have to be there for Nic during this part of her life!" Vivii added.

"Go to Chucago, I'll watch Amarie." I said and Vivii left the next day. Funny how Everytime she's freaked out about Nic or something Nic did she flew there. Sometimes she came back within a week of a month.


(Vivii's POV)

Nic's head was hung low on the couch of her new apartment. She looked different with dark black hair, and she was nestled in the arms of her boyfriend. I recognized the blaring reddish brown hair immediately. "I don't know what to do, Patrick.." She said. "What if I'm pregnant?"

"Hey Nic," I said and she saw me and her eyes lit up. "What's that about that? Is it his fault?" I will kill the damn guy if he got my little cousin pregnant. Or his bandmate will kill him.

"I don't know what happened last night, Vivii.. She thinks someone took advantage of her. And for your information I'm not going to do that to her considering she's underage and a damn minor until she's eighteen. I love her but we're waiting until she's eighteen." Patrick said.

"I know you two aren't boyfriend and girlfriend yet, Stump. If you seriously do that to Nic.. Your cousin has the first shot." I laughed.

"First shot at what?" I heard the door slam before I saw my cousin Pete.


You will find out whet happened to Nic in the new story The Girl With The Broken Smile


(Josh's POV)

I worried about Vivii as I laid Amarie down for her nap. Amarie had to be put on formula because we didn't want a wetnurse or anything, plus she was a beautiful little girl. We didn't safe let her out of our sight.


She'd be two on November 21st, which would later come to mean much more than just my little girl's birthday, but for now meant that to me. Meant everything to me.

She was gorgeous. Vivii's hair and my blue eyes. Her hair curled like an angel' sat the bottom, but it was wavy. She was blue eyes and beautiful. She was ours. That beautiful little girl I was carrying on one arm with her tiny cherubic face buried in my neck. .

"Everybody's watching you now everybody waits for you. What happens next what happens next. Dare you to move, dare you to move. Dare you to lift yourself off the floor. Dare you to move. Dare you to move like today never happened before." I kept singing a song Vivii had shown me. Amarie shut her eyes and stopped crying after a while. I laid her down in her crib, she was a little clinging to it and I tried twice to get her to sleep in a bed.

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