8: The High Road

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This song fits this chapter

P.S. For picture sake, Carly Rae Jepsen is Vivii's SM! Vivii is kinda tiny so c: but for the fact that Vivii does have a different SM now and it is her actual SM (sitemodel Kerti P., she's extremely pretty :)) but the couple photos of Josh and Vivii will probably be with Josh and Carly for the fourth story - 65 Roses will completely be in Josh's POV. Compared to Josh in Thai story, it gives an in depth understanding of Josh's thoughts and feelings.

I got two different people confused when Vivii talks about her cousin, so it's fixed now.


Vivii's POV




It was so different being with Josh. He was everything I didn't expect him to be, he was actually sweet on me. Even though he always would act childish.

It's been only a month since the incident and Josh had promised me he wouldn't do that again. Nic came back to live with me but I knew she'd liked hanging out with Josh. Josh acted like he was an older brother to her.

He was good with my younger cousin, maybe.. No. Too damn complicated to think about even marrying.. Considering what happened to my mom when she went bonkers.

My mom didn't actually really die at first. She died of her brain cancer, but she developed bipolar disorder. She was upset and happy all the time. My dad had had been in the war for three years and did have a stress disorder, he got an honourable discharge because he begged to go home. He ran away and it got appealed. He went MIA and came home instead.

No one knew the truth of my dad's MIAness. My mom and me decided to keep it a secret he was home for about a year, and I was three. He'd hone away when I was a month old. Me and my brother were a month old I meant. I come from a family of two sets of twins and a single boy who's just finished his pre med - my oldest brother.

The reason my dad did what he did was because he loved us. But I didn't know how he was doing lately because I hadn't called him since Christmas.

"Our future.'a before us, our worries behind,, I'll turn off the lights and let you sleep.." hummed out of my line headphone I had in.

"Hey Vivii," Nic said and sat beside me. She looked so pretty compared to me, my mom's side all had dark brown curls and intense green eyes or brown eyes,my dad's side all had blue or brown eyes. She had a darker complexion, caramel colored, by she was very sweet.

I never mentioned what the tattoo was, it'd just slipped my mind. "Hey," I said.

"I have some bad news about our cousin's band," Nic said. Oh god.. Did they break up?! Nic looked up to them - especially our cousin - because she had a really bad period when she was ten. It'd helped her a lot to know that she had someone to confide in.

I'd heard about the hiatus being talked about from my cousin; but didn't dare mention it to poor little Nic. She had her bright green eyes trained on mine. "I know Nic. They went on hiatus." I added. "Plus the double whammy is our cousin is getting divorced."

"I can't believe that bullshit. I didn't know what was going on," Nic said and sat down on the couch, crossing her legs. She had on one of those loose band shirts tops that a lot of kids these days liked to wear, and skinny jeans that were bright green. Bracelets laddered her arms now. Her hair was tied back out of her face.

"I know, he might come down with our second cousin." I said. His kid is technically our second cousin, but his kid always calls me his aunt - damn you cousin for referring to me as a sister rather than a cousin.-

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