16: Let Me Go

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(Vivii's POV) October 2012

I couldn't do it. Josh being away so much recording the new album made me feel like freaking out, and I couldn't do it while he was all over the place recording.

"Josh? Pick up pick up.." I begged. "I knew you'd not pick up," I was still trying to figure out the damn iPhone I'd just gotten, and Amarie was nearly two.

"Mommy?" Amarie tugged on my leg. God, she looked like me a ton, but with Josh's bright baby blues. The guys had been pushing it to do Ever After, the follow up to Masterpiece Theatre, and still they are in that stupid ass studio keeping my boyfriend from his baby girl.

"Hey Ammy!" I heard Josh's cheerful voice ring through the phone. No one usually called her Ammy - she reminded me vaguely of my cousin Nic because Nic hated the nickname Nicky, but preferred just Nic, never Nicola, her actual name.

"Daddy!" Amarie said. We'd brgun calling her Marie, to save the hell of pronouncing Amarie.


(Josh's POV)

My daughter's voice always cheered me up. She was very much the cutest and non-screaming good kid I'd ever met and seen. She was so adorable too, her blue eyes peering into mine. She looked like a perfect mix of me and Viv. Vivii was beautiful too, but she'd given me the beautiful little girl named Amarie. I'd always known Vivii's hair was naturally dark dark brown black , nearly a black, but she dyed it ebony with purple when we were younger.

This year it was flaming red streaks, for Amarie. Amarie was the only one with natural hair in our household. I just didn't know Vivii had little time left with me. Nor did she.

I was on tour soon; one of my close friends named David, who was the bassist for Simple Plan, called me and asked me if Marianas Trench would like to open for them again someday. Those dudes are fucking nuts and I gratefully agreed.

I would be taking Vivii and Amarie with me for the first time. Not for Vivii, but for Amarie. It'd be a great thing to bring them. I'd remembered the little smiled and everything.

Life was perfect for now.


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