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Buttercup's POV

I went to my first period already in a pissy mood and flipped the first desk I saw, poor kid. Luckily the teacher wasn't there so I didn't get in trouble, which would've been another lecture from Blossom. The kid must've been new since he walked up to me expecting me to apologize, so what he got instead was sent to the nurse's office with a bloody nose. After he left the bell rang and the teacher was already grating on my nerves with her squeaky southern voice as she took roll. She went down the list calling every name and when she got to mine I just didn't respond since I didn't feel like it. The teacher and I got into a staredown since she knew exactly who I was, but I wasn't about to back down. "Buttercup, darling, you're supposed to say here when I call your name, let's try this again. Buttercup Utonium." I just stared at her and refused to say anything, which made her very heated. "BUTTERCUP UTONIUM, IT IS THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL AND I EXPECT BETTER BEHAVIOR FROM YOU AS A SUPERHERO, I WILL GIVE YOU ONE MORE CHANCE TO JUST SAY HERE. Ahem.. Now, Buttercup Utonium." At this point I just wanted to see what she would do so stared her right in her eyes and stuck my tongue out, and right as she was about to blow up, the hotline started to ring.

I picked up the hotline and it was Mojo terrorizing the city. As I went to leave, the teacher, Mrs. Janet grabbed my arm and tried to tell me I couldn't leave, which was a bad decision on her part because I tossed her into her desk, beyond pissed by her attitude. I got out of this God forsaken school as fast as I could, knocking over the principal in the process. I'm gonna have hell to pay when I come back here. I jumped right into battle, and due to my little hold up, I was the last one there.

Blossom's POV

Buttercup was late to the fight again. She just doesn't care about the rules and always does stuff the opposite of how I like it. She just proved my point by flying in and attacking mojo's new robot without a plan. Doesn't she ever realize that it's dangerous?? I yell out to her to stop so we can make a plan but she doesn't she seems to be fighting more violently than usual too.

Bubbles' POV

Buttercup was scaring me, I know she is the toughest fighter, but this is on a whole new level. I hear Blossom yell out to her to stick to the plan she never heard, but she never even showed that she heard it. I decided to step in and use my supersonic scream. " BUTTERCUP STOP" I think she finally heard me since she turned around, but as she did mojo made his robot slam her into the ground and when she got up I froze from the fire visibly burning in her eyes like a lime green inferno.

Buttercup's POV

"BUTTERCUP STOP" I heard that clearly and snapped out of whatever anger induced frenzy I was in at the moment, but as soon as I turned around, mojo attacked me into the ground. I lost all control over myself and just let my anger consume me.

Nobody's POV

Buttercup got off the pavement and shot off leaving a crater where she was before, shooting right through mojo's robot, short circuiting it. Mojo could be seen panicking as the electricity started to shock him. Mojo's robot started flailing afound teyong in a desperate attempt to keep Buttercup away. "QUIT FLAILING AND LET ME DESTROY YOUR ROBOT!!!" Buttercup was getting angrier each time she had to dodge a robotic limb. Suddenly, before her sisters could even process what she was doing, she shot eye beams at the machine, violently exploded and Mojo and Buttercup went flying. Buttercup was fine with only a few burns that she didn't care about since she only got secondhand damage, but Mojo wasn't looking too good since he was in the explosion. Bubbles and Blossom both tried to catch him when he fell from the sky, but didn't make it in time as he hit the pavement with a sickening crunch.

Bubbles and Blossom both rushed to his side to check if he was ok, but when they reached him, they came to a sickening conclusion. Mojo was dead and their own sister had killed him.

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