Chapter 6: The Aftermath

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Chapter 6: The Aftermath

Nobody's POV

It was the day after Buttercup's 'death' that her funeral was held. Everyone she ever came in contact with was there, even all of the kids at her new school and every soccer team in the tri-state area. The room radiated with sorrow, nobody talking because they had no words to say. After everyone arrived, the priest from their church began the service. "It is always a sad day when our... young ones... leave us." It was obvious that the middle aged priest was just as choked up about her death as everyone else. "We judged her as guilty when she was innocent... and she took the punishment anyway. Buttercup Blaire Utonium was always one of the more... outspoken people at this church, but she always did the right thing in the end. God gained an angel, and her blood is surely on our hands. We can only hope that God can forgive us and that she may be able to Rest In Peace and live out her dreams in heaven, may the first speaker, Blossom Utonium, come to the podium to speak." (BTW IM NOT TRYING TO MAKE ANYONE FEEL UNCOMFORTABLE IF YOU DONT BELIEVE IN GOD, BUT THIS IS HOW I PICTURE A FUNERAL)

Blossom POV

I get to the podium and look out at the huge crowd, I don't think she ever realized how many people loved her. I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing would come out and I could feel a few tears fall down my face. I cleared my throat, she would tell me to suck it up and talk. So that's what I would do. "Thank you all for coming to my little sister's funeral. Many of you who knew about our relationship, you might've thought that we hated each other, but that couldn't be farther from the truth, I really did care about Buttercup, and I regret every moment I made her question that. Most of our time together was spent arguing over something petty, like her room being messy, her not waking up early enough, going off the plan during a battle, or even just forgetting to put the top back on the butter. No matter how much I nagged her though, she always had my back. I still remember the time she found me crying in my room after my ex boyfriend cheated on me. She wouldn't let me get off without telling her, and when I did tell her, she left. At first, I thought she was mocking me and got angry with her, but when he showed up to school the next day with two black eyes and a broken arm, I knew she did that for me. While it might not seem that upstanding a thing to do, it meant the world to me that she cared that much." My voice cracked a little at the last word, I needed time to compose myself. I could've sworn I heard her whisper in my ear 'c'mon leader girl, you gotta mouth now use it' I would've laughed if I was in a different scene. "The thing that I always regretted though... was when I told her I hated her in some of our arguments... she always clapped back without missing a beat, but she never said it back. I could see that it hurt her every time I said it too... I never got a chance to tell her that I loved her-" I let out a few sobs, but was able to compose myself. "She told Bubbles to tell me that she loved me, she used some of her last words... to tell us that she loved us, but- but... I-I never got the chance to let her know that... that I loved her too." I couldn't hold it in anymore and started crying uncontrollably. Professor came up to help me back to my seat. I looked up only long enough to see Bubbles walk up to the podium.

Bubbles POV

I knew it would take a while to get through what I would say, and right now I wanted to cry, but I could almost hear Buttercup telling me 'stop crying you big baby, it's not that bad!' I promised myself that I would make it through this for Buttercup. "From afar, it might have seemed like Buttercup bullied me, which she sometimes did, but she always apologized to me. It might not seem like much, but Buttercup never really apologized, but she always swallowed her pride for me. She may have seemed mean, but she always protected me, she always kept an eye on me in school because she knew how sensitive I was. If she ever found out anyone made me cry, she would make sure they would cry more. Like with Blossom, Buttercup hurt any boy who hurt me. She was always there, there was never a time that I cried that she wasn't there with me.... except now. Nobody knew this side of her, but Buttercup really was sweet sometimes. Every time I was having a bad day, she would stop by a store on the way home and pick up a tub of vanilla ice cream that we would eat together while she listened to me talk about my day. She always made me laugh when there wasn't a smile on my face, she always told me 'you aren't Bubbles without a smile'" I started crying, but I had to finish for her. "She never let me go to sleep thinking she hated me even if I told her I hated her.... a lot of people think Buttercup tells us that she hates us all the time, but really it's the opposite, and like Blossom, I regret every time I said those words to her. Thank you." I got of the stage and started crying freely, I would've made her proud. I could see the Professor walk up.

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