Chapter 2: New Life

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CHAPTER 2: New Life


Today marked the first day of my new life. I'm not going to lie and say I don't already miss being Buttercup, but I'm Blaire Neptune now and I couldn't mess this up. It's all I have left and I don't have the money to try again, so I'll just have to pray that nobody will find me out and I can be a good enough actress to pull this off for about.. the rest of my life I look at the time and see that it's 5:45, which is the earliest I think I've ever woken up. School starts at 7:30 so I have time to get my disguise ready. I decided to not wear green nearly as much as I used to, so I slip on a pair of ripped light colored jeggings and an off the shoulder pink sweater I took from Blossom's closet, and white ankle converse. I know it's not really my style, but I don't think just a hair color change and a little makeup would make me unrecognizable. I pulled my now chestnut bangs into a waterfall braid, which also wasn't my style, but I wanted to look as different as possible. I eventually got to my makeup table, something I REALLY wasn't looking forward to, but it had to be done. I first used the concealer to cover all my freckles and finished with a layer of foundation to cover every detail of my face that might betray my identity. I wore eyeliner to bring out my eyes, which I couldn't bring myself to change. I would go insane if I couldn't keep at least one thing about my physical appearance. I finished with about 30 minutes before I had to leave, so I grabbed a sour apple and the lunch I packed for myself the night before, and started walked to school hoping to get an early start.

When I got there I had to talk with the principal and the Guidance counselor to get my schedule straight. Since AP Spanish wasn't an elective at this school I moved into a chorus class. I would never be in a class like that normally, it was Bubbles' kind of thing, but I didn't have a reputation to uphold here. So now my schedule looked something like this

1 AP Lang

2 Chorus

3 AP Government

4 Adv. Team Sports


5 AP Calc

6 AP Chemistry


So I still had most of the same classes, but I liked the order better here, now I had time to do my math and chem homework during lunch. They also gave me a list of clubs and sports I could do, so I looked through it and decided I DEFINITELY had to do soccer. I couldn't live without it. They didn't have a gymnastics team, so I figured cheerleading, though disgusting, could pass for gymnastics and a good cover. As I was looking through everything, a bunch of students started flooding the building, but I didn't have to leave yet since I still had time before class. I decided to opt out of a spring sport as to not draw too much attention and I could join Student Government club, something I picked up from Blossom, to further my cover. Buttercup wouldn't be caught dead in SGA, but Blaire just might. I thanked the office staff and began to leave to find my first class. "Don't you need help finding your way around dear?" The guidance counselor made me think. I really don't know where I'm going. "I think I'll be able to find it, thank you though." I managed my happiest, most lighthearted voice I could and started to find my way to my first class in room G-207. I figured that meant it was on the second floor, and when I got there, there were a few different hallways. The one I was in was the B hallway and everything in it was blue. The person who made this school must have had SEVERE OCD. However, this would make finding my classroom easier. I just had to look for a maybe green hallway, or would it be gray? As I walked through the hallways I caught the color green from the corner of my eye and took a sharp turn into the hallway, but as I did, I ran straight into probably the only other person in the hallway, how lucky. I muttered a quiet "sorry" and started to walk down the hallway, but the person grabbed my wrist and yanked me back. It took all the self control I had to not break this kid's nose right now, but for the sake of my cover, I just tried to calmly get out of the situation. "Let go of my wrist please." "And why would I do that?" That voice alone made my temper rise, but I took a deep breath and turned on him, and what I saw scared me more than it should have.

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