Chapter 1: Exile

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Chapter 1: Exile

Buttercup POV

The day is saved again be me, the tough puff, not that it's surprising, I do most of the work anyways. That was a great way to blow off some steam and I'm totally ready for the next villain. I was lost in my own thoughts until I heard the one thing that would bring my world crashing down around me. "HE'S DEAD!!!!" The words snapped me out of whatever kind of trance I was in and I swear my heart stopped beating and I could feel the color drain from my face. It couldn't be true, I sometimes went a little far with the beatings but I would never KILL anyone. I fly down to mojo as fast as possible with a ridiculously large crowd around him. I push through everyone and see just exactly what I have done. Mojo is motionless on the ground in a scorched, lifeless heap, and it's all my fault, I'm a murderer, I'm the one who ended someone's life. I felt all the states burning into my back, it felt like they were trying to scorch me as bad as mojo was. I looked to my sisters who had looks of hurt and anger in their eyes, It made me want to cry (I didn't), they never have looked at me like that before, but I guess none of us have ever broken the most important rule of crime fighting either. "Why Buttercup?" That one question shattered my very being, I did this and I couldn't even form a coherent answer.

Bubbles' POV

"Why Buttercup?" I asked my sister, I was heartbroken, I never thought she would cross the line, we were always warning her, I thought she would listen to at least me if not Blossom. "I- I di- bu- it wasn't- I don't kn- I didn't mean- it wasn't in purp- I'm sor- I-I- It wasn't on pur-purpose, I didn't me- I didn't mean to!!" This was the worst I've ever seen her, she NEVER stutters. I knew she didn't want to kill him, but I could tell by the looks on everyone else in Townsville that they weren't about to just accept that. I was already crying and the fact that she wasn't only made her case worse. I knew she didn't cry and even if she wanted to right now, I knew the shock was too much to let any fall. I wish I could see how this played out but I couldn't even think, but apparently Blossom knew what she thought. "BUTTERCUP HOW COULD YOU!!?! YOU KNOW WE HAVE A RULE AGAINST KILLING ANYONE. YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF!! I ALWAYS KNEW YOU WERE OUT OF CONTROL, BUT I ALWAYS HOPED YOU COULD GET YOURSELF UNDER CONTROL, BUT THEN YOU GO AND KILL MOJO!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU'RE MY SISTER AND I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU WERE EVER CONSIDERED A POWERPUFF GIRL. THAT SHOULD BE YOU NOT MOJO, YOU ARE A MURDERER!!!!!"

Blossom's POV

I let all of my frustrations out on my sister, all the frustrations I ever had ever were let out in that rant. I looked at her the whole time and I think it was the most hurt I have ever seen her look, and in that same moment I could almost feel her heart shatter. I felt awful, I know she didn't mean to do it. Even though it was wrong and I was incredibly angry with her, I said some pretty unforgivable things. I don't know how she isn't crying right now, I've always admired her mental toughness even if her physical toughness grated on my nerves at times. "Buttercup I'm so-" I tried to apologize but the people of Townsville cut me off. "SHE'S A DANGER TO OUR CHILDREN" "SHE NEEDS TO GO!!" "DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS MONSTER" I saw her visibly flinch at that one, and she just stood there taking it all, not shedding a tear, but I could see right into her shattered soul when she looked in my eyes, and I couldn't do anything but cry, this was my fault, I did this to her.

Buttercup's POV

I had hoped at least my sisters would stay with me but I guess that was just a shattered hope. Blossom's words really cut deep even if I tried not to show it. My own sister telling me I should be dead instead of a villain really hit me, but what hit even harder was that she didn't even want to be my sister. Blossom and I had our differences, but I had never wished that she wasn't my sister. But I wasn't about to show her that she got to me, I couldn't show weakness right now, not in this kind of situation. I thought that I already had the worst of it, but then I heard the people of Townsville, the very people I protected yelling hateful things towards me, but I was numb to it all, all but one word. Monster. That word kept replaying in my head along with Blossom's words. Then I saw the professor pull up in his vintage white Cadillac, he must have heard about this somewhere. I KNOW he won't have a problem disowning me since I was always the problematic child. And right when I thought I was prepared for what he was going to say, he said the worst possible thing he could have said to me. "I don't remember raising a monster, so when did you become one?" My whole world started falling apart. They all hated me: my friends, my neighbors, but worst of all my family.

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