Chapter 8: The Reunion

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Chapter 8: The Reunion

Buttercup's POV

My sisters just stared at me and didn't say anything and I started to feel uneasy. Did they not want me to come back? Did they already forget me?? No, it hadn't been that long since they'd seen me... "So that was kinda where you guys were supposed to respond, but you missed your cue and kinda made this awkward..." They just stood there, as if they didn't even hear what I said. I felt my temper flare and my nose twitched. "FINE IF NOBODY'S GONNA RESPOND I'M GONNA MOVE BACK TO COUNTYSVILLE AND SEE IF THEY'LL TALK!!"

I turned around to storm off, but Bubbles hugged me tight from behind, almost cutting off my air supply. "BUTTERCUP!!! I MISSED YOU SO MUCH! HOW ARE YOU HERE???"

"Bubbles she can't breathe!! Let her go!" I was thankful to Blossom for saving me from ACTUALLY dying. She let go and I waited to catch my breath before attempting to speak. "So, I'm guessing you wanna hear the story of how I lowkey faked my death?"

"LOWKEY???!? THERE WAS NOTHING LOWKEY ABOUT THAT BUTTERCUP!!!" I had to laugh at Blossom's usual overreaction, I wouldn't say it to her, but I kinda missed them.

"So here's the story... I was sitting in that glass box/crate thing and was preparing for my death hoping it would be quick, but I felt my powers start to come back to me at around 15 seconds. I keep that to myself and when the bomb went off, I made a clone of myself and blacked out. When I woke up I was on a building overlooking City Hall." I felt pretty good about my explanation, it explained everything important, but didn't really give away my new powers.

"So why did you leave a clone?? You scared everyone!!" I expected Blossom to understand to be honest, but I guess I could explain it to her.

"Blossom, you know I almost died in the first place because of those people. Now would it really make sense to let them know I was alive so they would stay on lookout for me?" I saw her blush in embarrassment that she didn't figure that out for herself.

"Where did you go for the last week??" That was Bubbles. They really just didn't consider how simple all of these answers were. "Bubbles, I gave you and Blossom the key and address to the apartment I was staying in. Well, before I was in an abandoned hotel, which surprisingly had working cable and clean, running water, but it was destroyed by a wrecking ball."

"What did you do the whole time??" I laughed knowing how funny my answer would sound. "Well, honestly, I was trying this whole week to show that I wasn't dead, but all my plans failed... so I did what I do best by winging it and coming here!!"

I guess my answers proved to be sufficient because they told me to get in the car because the professor needed to see that I was alive.

Professor's POV

I was in my lab again pretending to do work while I was actually looking at pictures of Buttercup while holding her old blankie. I couldn't accept that she was gone, it was like a big hole in our family. It was different when she was just missing, we knew that she was alive, we thought she did something awful. Now, we knew she was dead and we knew there was no reason for it. I broke down when I saw a picture of her dressed like me, I remember when that happened, it was only a year ago.

She found me asleep in my lab and I guess she took my lab coat from me, but when I woke up, I was only wearing a white button up shirt and she was walking around my lab messing around with the chemicals. It honestly scared me at first, but that was when I realized just how smart she actually was. She had finished the project I stayed up all night working on. When she turned around she looked scared like I was going to yell at her, but she just started laughing when I took a picture of her and started laughing as well.

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