Chapter 9: Normality?

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Chapter 9: Normality?

Buttercup's POV

After introducing myself to the class, they all started taking loudly at the same time, all of their conversations about me. None were bad though so I was ok with the attention. I took my seat next to Brick and we got into the lesson and I was paying attention until I saw a note land on my desk.

'Good to have you back BC -Brick'

I looked over and smiled at him, then I went back to listening to the details of our next project. The classes seemed to go by slow since I was anticipating gym with Butch today. I talked to Boomer all through chorus class since we weren't doing anything today. He was a fun person to talk to, it was like talking to a male version of Bubbles.

"So, what's going on with you and Butch?" I smiled a little and blushed. "Well, I like him alot, but he hasn't asked me out yet. Like we've almost kissed twice and admitted that we liked each other, but he hasn't asked me out yet so I'm not sure if he's serious or not..." Boomer looked surprisingly interested, he was Bubbles' counterpart after all. "BC, I know he loves you, he cried every day after he thought you died... don't tell him I told you this!!" I laughed and replied. "Thanks Boomer, and your secret is safe with me."

We continued on random conversations until the bell finally rang. I smiled knowing I would see Butch next period. I walked to the locker rooms and got changed into my gym uniform.

I walked into the gym as the bell rang and made eye contact with Butch, who was roughhousing with Garett. He left Garett and ran over and hugged me and swung my around. "I missed you BC!!" I laughed and so did he. "I saw you last night!!" He leaned in to whisper in my ear, "I know and you looked sexy as hell." He squeezed my ass as he said it and I jumped and punched his arm. We both started laughing and only stopped when the gym teacher came in.

We were playing soccer and as usual I kicked everyone's asses. I still had my jersey so I was technically still on the team. Gym had the whole soccer team in it so it was pretty much an early soccer practice since the gym teacher was the coach. I had fun as always in gym, but it seemed to end too soon.

I got changed back into my clothes and I went to my next class with Brick. It was boring a usual and seemed to last forever, so I was glad when the lunch bell rang. I walked with Brick and sat at the table with Boomer, but to my disappointment, Butch wasn't there.

"Hey, where's Butch?" Boomer smirked and said. "He actually wanted to meet you outside, he's at the soccer field." I smiled to Boomer. "Thanks Boomer!! See you guys soon!!"

I walked out to the soccer fields but Butch wasn't there, only a soccer ball was. I walked over to it and saw something was written on it. I picked it up and read the writing. "Will you be my Girlfriend?" I looked around and saw Butch standing behind me with a box of chocolates.

I was touched, but I refused to let myself cry. "Hell yeah I wanna be your Girlfriend!!" I ran up and kissed him before there was a chance for us to be interrupted.

His lips were soft like I had imagined. I could feel all of our pent up emotions in that kiss, every time we were interrupted, all the one we spent apart from each other. He moved his hands from my waist to my butt and squeezed it. I gasped and he took the opportunity to slide his tongue in my mouth as I returned the favor. I didn't even notice when we ended up on the ground, but somehow we made it there and he was laying on top of me. We pulled apart to breathe.

"I love you" I breathed out. "I love you too." I smiled at his reply and leaned up to kiss him again when we heard someone clearing their throat. Uh oh.

Butch and I ended up in the office and I was trying so hard not to laugh at how the situation turned out. I thought the whole thing was funny until the principal said, "We're going to have to notify your legal guardians." That's when I saw no more humor in the situation. The professor was going to kill me!! I looked over to Butch with fear evident in my eyes. He looked totally fine with the whole situation. His guardian was Brick!! Of course he wouldn't care!! He didn't know I was already in thin ice with the Professor.

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