Chapter 5: The Verdict

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Chapter 5: The Verdict


I was nearly seeing red, this bastard isn't even dead and I'm about to get punished for it. I'm only 16!!!! "What the fuck!! I'm literally about to get charged for your murder and you're not even fucking dead!!!" He stared at me with that smug look of his that made me want to actually kill him. "You thought you could actually kill me, Mojo Jojo, the genius monkey who you are convicted of killing, but is not actually dead, but alive? I simply set up one of my ingenious plans that are ingenious to frame you for killing me even though I am not actually dead!! I rigged my machine to blow up with one eye beam that would explode my machine that had a realistic dummy, that was not actually me, but a fake that simply looked like me, Mojo Jojo, the ingenious monkey that you are being convicted for killing that is not actually dead!!!MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!!" I was seething!! He set me up!!! I was innocent this whole time! "YOU IGNORANT FUCK YOU WON'T FUCKING GET AWAY WITH THIS!!!!" I couldn't hold back my anger, I was about to be unfairly punished for something I didn't do. He laughed the whole way out of my isolated prison. I screamed and punched a wall, breaking a finger or two. "FUCK" This wasn't one of my best times, but when my hand healed quickly, I realized that my powers were coming back. I couldn't help but let a sly smile play on my face. I could use this to my advantage.

At the trial

Nobody's POV

It was really more of an announcement than a trial since it was obvious the jury already made their mind up, she was guilty. They were really there to make up a punishment. What would happen to the ex powerpuff? "Has the jury made a decision?" Asked the judge. "Yes your honor" replied a middle aged woman. "What is your verdict?" "We will leave the punishment up to the sons of the victim. They will decide what to do with her." Blossom, Bubbles and the Professor audibly gasped and began to cry, Bubbles being the only one audibly sobbing. "NO PLEASE THEY'RE GONNA KILL HER!!!" Bubbles sobbed to the jury, hoping for a reconsideration. The three boys walked up to the stand. "We will save the dramatics until tomorrow when we announce what will happen to her. We want her there and we don't want any chemical X getting in the way of it either, so inject her with some of that chemical X before you bring her. We want her right near city hall, where she killed our dad, we will announce what will happen there." Brick was the one who spoke for his brothers. The courthouse erupted into chatter and sobs from Bubbles. "PLEASE DON'T HURT HER, IT WAS AN ACCIDENT!! SHE DIDN'T WANT TO KILL HIM!!" Bubbles pleaded with the brothers but they paid her no mind. The judge slammed the gavel on the podium and dismissed everyone in the courtroom. Before the boys walked off, Blossom built up the courage to hold Brick back. "Brick please don't do anything to drastic, she really didn't mean to do anything to your dad, it was a freak accident. You guys were even friends with her before!! Please don't kill our sister..." A few more tears rolled down Blossom's cheeks and she walked back towards her family. Brick stared after her in shock. Were they being to hard on her?? I mean, she was their friend and seemed like a sweet girl. 'But that was all and act. The Bitch killed our dad!!' A voice told Brick. He stalked over to his brothers.

Blossom's POV

We took our time going back to visit Buttercup. I hoped that Brick would listen to what I said, I really didn't want to lose my sister. "Blossom?" Bubbles called me after she calmed down a bit. "Yes Bubbles?" "Before I left Buttercup earlier, she told me to tell you that she loved you even if she didn't show it all the time." I couldn't even respond. She thought she was going to die. I started crying like actually sobbing. We got to the prison about 5 minutes later and I finally calmed myself down a little. However, when we got there, they only let the professor in to see her since we already saw her today. We knew better than to argue, so we sat outside and waited.

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