Chapter 3: A Shadow From the Past

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Chapter 3: A Shadow from the Past


Free period finally ended and I was totally prepared to serve some major kickass at this practice. In Pokey Oakes, I was on the boys' soccer team since I was better than all of them combined, so being on this girl's team would just make me look even better. I guess I overestimated this girls soccer team since none of them even seemed to know the rules of soccer. The coach for the boys team looked over and must've seen how effortless and boring this team was to me since he asked me to come to the boys' practice. I happily accepted this offer, especially since it wasn't anything new for me.

Butch's POV

I was killin it at practice when coach unexpectedly called us off the field. He said that we were getting a new teammate, which didn't make any sense since we didn't have any new guys that I know of. However, my curiosity was settled when that bitch Blaire turned out to be the new addition. "Um... coach, that's a girl.... and this is the boys' team." I spoke for the rest of my team. "Well let's see how she plays and we will decide whether or not she plays like a girl." Well he had me there.


Butch tried to call me out for being a girl as if nobody could see that I was indeed a girl. Whatever I was going to embarrass him on this field. We just scrimmaged, he put me as one team captain to see how I would do against the other team captain, Butch. This would be too easy, everyone said they would pass it to me just to see how good I actually was. Butch and I started as forwards, it was him and me at the kickoff. By the way he was standing, I could tell he was going to be too slow. As soon as the whistle was blown, I moved for the ball. He was fast, but not fast enough since I got the ball before he could and passed it to Dayton who was also of the soccer team. Most of the people underestimated my abilities since I was a girl, so nobody covered me. I got to a free space and Dayton passed it back to me, where I drove toward the goal and scored effortlessly.

Butch's POV

That bitch scored on my team already!!! I called a team meeting and told them that she needed to be covered at all times and that I didn't want the ball passed to her at all. They agreed and our goalie kicked it to me. I started dribbling it toward the other side of the field, and when I got near the line, I kicked it to Garett, who ran towards the goal until he came to a defender and passed it to another kid on my team named Tyler, but he was really good, so that was fine, but as soon as I looked back to Tyler to have him pass me the ball, I saw he didn't have it and a familiar brunette ponytail was moving skillfully- I mean annoyingly towards our goal with the ball. "How did she get that???" I asked Tyler as we were running down the field. "I don't know, as soon as I went to kick the ball, it was gone and I could only kick at the air where it was before. I didn't even see her coming!!" Well that's just great. I heard cheers from the other team as she scored yet another goal, how she did it, I don't know.


So basically, as that kid lifted his foot to kick the ball, I moved in from the side and quickly gained possession of the ball before he could kick it. Not gonna lie, it was really funny to watch him kick the air like that. Once I got to the other side of the field, it was easy to get around the defenders. They all crashed on me, but I moved in a way so that they all crashed into each other and I easily scored a goal. Butch called a team meeting and I could hear how frustrated he was. He took the ball and this time he didn't pass it at all. He kept the ball close to himself at all times, so I wouldn't be able to steal it without fouling him. My defenders were smart though and surrounded him, forcing him to pass it. I was honestly impressed with what he did next though. He rainbowed it over all the defenders and passed it to another one of his teammates, but I decided to guard Butch this time, but I only shadowed him so people would try to pass it to him, which they fell for and did. I swooped in and picked off the pass and passed it it a kid on my team named Grayson and he ran towards the goal and passed it to another kid named Darrien before the defenders crashed on him. I found an open spot and Darrien kicked it in the air, but a little too high. I tapped into my inner gymnast and jumped as high as I could with a handspring and kicked the ball out of the air and right into the goalie who flew back with the ball. I landed back on my feet, glad I could apply my other sports to my primary one. Everyone stopped, I could tell everyone was shocked, that wasn't exactly a move people see everyday.

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