Alternate Ending 1

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Alternate Ending 1

Butch's POV

We stood in complete silence as the doctor came through those doors, a hard feat for all the people who were here. The doctor held us in suspense as he stood there emotionlessly. After a long while of silence, the doctor cracked a smile, one that everyone took as a que to begin chattering happily, she was alive!!

"QUIET!!" The doctor was surprisingly loud in getting our attention. After everyone returned to silence, the doctor continued. "Miss Utonium can take one visitor right now." Her family was the obvious choice. I looked over to her family to see who was going to visit her, but was surprised to see them share a glance and smile at me. It was actually a little creepy...

"Butch, why don't you go?" I looked at the Professor in shock, this was his own daughter and he was going to let me see her first?? "Umm, sir, not that I don't want to see her first, but are you sure??" He chuckled at my response. "Butch... she's the happiest I've ever seen her with you. I think it would be best for her to see you first." I nodded my thanks and ran to her room.

I opened the door to see her laying down on the hospital bed, asleep, but alive. I slowly made my way over to her and brushed her bangs out of her irresistible face. I leaned down and kissed her still lips and felt her smile. I pulled back to see her smiling in her sleep. I sat down beside her, holding her small soft hand. It was about ten minutes later when she started to move. I got up and looked down at her face so I wouldn't miss the second her eyes opened.

I didn't have to wait long to see the beautiful green that I could stare at for hours. She looked confused for a moment, but seemed to settle down when she met my eyes. "Butch... how the hell did I get here??" I chuckled at her bluntness, but answered her as to not agitate her further. "I know you remember getting shot. It might not be a big deal when we have chemical X in us, but you must've forgotten that we have to take a power cancelling pill before games."

A look of realization crossed her features. "Ah shit I forgot about that!" We both shared a laugh, but my smile fell after a while. "I was really worried about you babe..." she smiled and rolled her eyes, to my annoyance, she was too lax about this kind of stuff!! "It's not like I was actually gonna die!! Remember last time everyone thought I was dead?? Well surprise! I just don't die!!" I glared at her attitude, I was actually worried about her and she thought this whole thing was a joke.

"What's wrong with you?! We were all actually worried about you and you don't even care!!" She actually flinched a little, snapping her from her laughter. She looked down sorrowfully. "I-I'm sorry..." the look she had pained me, I hated seeing anything but a smile on her face. "No, no, no, don't be upset! I'm sorry, I was just really scared, I thought I lost you for real this time..." she looked back up at me, her eyes hopeful. "Did we win?" I laughed at her misguided priorities. "Babe, we stopped the game, we were going to continue it at the same score at halftime tomorrow."

Her face visibly brightened. "So I can still finish the game?? Did any of the scouts say anything? Do you think I still have a chance to impress them??" I held my hands up in mock defense at her barrage of questions. "Woah now! You literally just woke up!! Try not to think about the game right now! Plus, everyone is waiting outside for you and the doctor said due to your chemical X you can leave as soon as you feel up to it." I almost didn't get to finish my sentence before she jumped out of her bed, grabbed my arm and dragged me out with her.

I ran into the back of her as she abruptly stopped and we both fell over in front of the crowd in the waiting room. The room that was formerly filled with different conversations silenced at the sight of us. I got off of her quickly and she picked herself up. "Wow, I didn't know I had such a big fan base..." The room busted into laughter at her random comment in such a serious situation. I loved that she was always able to lighten the mood like that. She made eye contact with our coach and asked a question nobody even thought of. "Hey coach, what should I do about my jersey? It's uhh.... slightly damaged." Once again the group laughed at how she managed to make it sound like an everyday occurrence.

"Hey!! I wasn't joking!!! How am I going to play tomorrow if my jersey isn't our school colors?" The people only laughed harder, but the coach answered as the laughter died down. "Umm, Buttercup... maybe it's not a great idea for you to play tomorrow..." Wrong answer.

Buttercup's POV

WHAT?!? "WHAT?? COACH IM FINE!! I CAN PLAY I SWEAR IT DOESN'T EVEN HURT!! C'mon it's my first nationals game... don't make me sit out the second half because of a little scratch!!" People started to laugh again, WHY WERE THEY LAUGHING?? THIS WASN'T FUCKING FUNNY!! "THIS ISN'T A JOKE TO ME!! WHAT'S SO FUNNY ABOUT ALL THIS BECAUSE I'M FAILING TO SEE THE HUMOR!"

Nobody responded, but Butch wrapped his arms around my shoulders from behind. "Babe, you might not notice, but you're comically making this seem like it isn't a big deal." Realization hit me and I gave a sheepish smile and an apologetic look to the people I had just yelled at. "Oh... sorry about that... but coach, please don't do this!! There are so many scouts at that game and it could be my last chance to impress them!!" The coach looked down, but before he could speak, two important looking people stepped out of the crowd, grabbing everyone's attention.

"Sorry to interrupt your debate, but we just want to say that you don't need to play the second half." I was angry- no, BEYOND FURIOUS, that these random people had just backed up my coach's unfair decision. I opened my mouth to argue, but they spoke before I could get anything out. "It'd be unnecessary for the newest and first female member of the boys Olympic soccer team to hurt herself to impress someone who is already beyond impressed."

It took a moment to process, but when it did, I smiled bigger than I ever had before. "FOR REAL?!??" They only nodded with amused smirks on their faces. "Welcome to the USA Olympic Boy's Soccer Team, Buttercup Blaire Utonium, we've been watching you for a while now." I turned around and kissed Butch in celebration and he eagerly responded. I broke it off fast because we had an audience, but I was so excited!! I signed all the papers I needed to and the Professor was more than happy to sign all the papers except the one agreeing for me to get an Olympic tattoo, but he even signed that with enough convincing.

My sisters tackled me into a hug, congratulating me on my lifelong dream finally coming true. "Buttercup we're so happy for you!!!!" Bubbles was as peppy and cheery as ever, but even Blossom looked happy with something I did, which was rare. "You deserve it, Buttercup." Blossom was a lot calmer, but it still meant a lot coming from her. The professor walked up to me, I shed tears in his eyes. "Sweetie, I'm so proud of you and don't you ever think differently. No matter what you do, I'll always be proud to call you my daughter." I jumped up and hugged him before he made me cry with his dad speeches. "I love you dad." He hugged me tighter. "I love you too Buttercup."

The professor let me stay with the team in a hotel so we wouldn't need to make the long drive again the next day. Obviously, I had a room to myself. I called Butch over, but we didn't do anything too naughty, just enjoyed being near each other and occasionally tasting the inside of the other's mouth, nothing the professor would be too disappointed to hear about.

As we went to sleep, I felt his arms wrap around my waist and I my lips formed a content smile, what could be better?

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