Chapter 7: The Return

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Chapter 7: The Return


I found an abandoned hotel to go back to, I couldn't just go home like any normal day!! I broke into a room and made sure the bed had no bed bugs. Turns out, I'm good. I sat down and thought of all the ways I could come back. I was deciding between making it dramatic, casual, or just showing up one day and act like nothing happened. Well, I can cross that last one off, that was just dumb. It seems too anti-climatic to make it a casual return so I'm gonna pass on that too. Now I had to be careful with dramatic returns, I couldn't make it too cliché!! I thought about it all night and came up with a few ideas. LIKE I'M GONNA TELL YOU YET!! I decided to sleep on the options and maybe I could decide in the morning. Knowing myself, I'll probably go off the plan anyways.

I woke up the next morning, it's a great day to have everyone think you're dead!! Suddenly I heard an explosion and a bunch of fire trucks. Townsville started carrying their weight a little more when we got into high school to take some of the stress off. I used my supervision and saw a little girl stuck on the top floor, the same one that asked me a question that day. It seemed like nobody could hear her and something started to fall. Without thinking, I teleported to the scene and teleported her back to the hotel with me.

She looked up at me with wide, scared hazel eyes. Her blonde pigtails were sloppy and covered in ash. "Bu-Buttercup?" She asked me, I was honestly surprised she remembered me since she was 4 at most.

"That's me sweetheart, what's your name?"

She looked shocked, but seemed happy to see me, I was surprised she wasn't scared. "My name is Holly!"

I laughed a little at her cheery mood. "Well, Holly, I'm gonna clean you up a little and then I'm gonna take you back to your parents, ok?"

"Ok!! You're my favorite super hero, Buttercup!! I knew they couldn't kill you that easily!"

I didn't know why, but it really did feel good to hear that, I never knew I was someone's favorite. With that, I brought her to the bath and washed her hair and put it back in its pigtails. I took a towel and wiped all the soot and ash from her face until she was all clean. "There you go sweetheart, all better?"

"Yup! Thank you Buttercup!!" She ran over and hugged me. I couldn't help but hug her back, she reminded me so much of Bubbles.

"Ok Holly, it's really important that you keep me a secret ok?"

She looked a little sad. "You aren't coming back??"

"No, no, no!! I'll come back, I just need to make it look really cool, ok?" I have her one of my rare genuine smiles.

She looked overjoyed. "Ok Buttercup, I'll keep your secret!! Thank you for saving me!!"

"It's no problem at all sweetheart." With that I teleported to an alley near the fire and saw the parents freaking out over her. "Ok Holly, just walk out and let them you're ok, see you later!"

"Bye Buttercup!!" She ran out of the alley and I watched happily as her parents hugged and kissed her, glad that she escaped the fire. I turned and teleported back to my hotel room, and turned on the still working television. I was watching my favorite cartoon when I saw breaking news about a girl's Mysterious rescue. I smiled knowing she kept my secret. I went back to watching the cartoon when I felt a huge shaking through the building. The building started to crumble and the ceiling started to fall. I teleported to the top of the next building over to see a wrecking ball go through the building. Of course they would demolish the place I was staying in. Well I wanted to stay in Townsville, but I didn't want to stay in the streets so I teleported back to my old house in Countysville. One look at my family picture that was still there and I decided I would return tomorrow.

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