Chapter 4: Convict

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Chapter 4: Convict

? POV (Townsville)

My plan was going great, in no time Buttercup should be out of the way and then the Powerpuff Girls will be easy to take out without an offense. This was my best plan yet, and the best part is that it was absolutely foolproof!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!

Butch's POV

I saw Blaire standing at the opposite end of the hallway as me, we made eye contact for a while and after a few minutes she shook her head and walked the opposite direction, but I wasn't about to just let her go so easily. I chased her down the hallway and grabbed her wrist and like deja vu, she turned on me, her lime green eyes seemingly staring straight into my soul as if to find out why I betrayed her. "Why?" She asked me in the saddest voice I'd ever heard. I felt a million knives of guilt stab at my gut, I did this to her. "Look Blaire, I planned it out with my friends before you came in today and apologized, that's what I was talking to those guys about, but when I went to tell them to cut off the plan, it was already too late and they put the text on a mass send queue. I was just mad because of how bad you embarrassed me the other day. I'll let you yell at me, punch me, do anything. Seriously I feel awful." She just looked at me and said "that's not necessary, I forgive you." I was shocked and I was sure she could see it on my face because she started to laugh and I couldn't help but do the same. "So are we friends?" I needed to be sure. "Friends" she smiled at me with a perfect white smile that brightened my mood upon seeing it. Wait- what am I even thinking?? I walked her back to her class but when I got there, I was met with a death inducing glare from Brick, he had told me he thought of her as the sister he never had, unless you count Boomer. To my surprise though, she defended me. "It's ok Brick, he apologizes and he had a good reason to do it, I was kinda a bitch to him yesterday. He just better not do it again." She shot me a glare so fierce I actually flinched. This girl was something else.


I was glad that Butch and I were still friends. Brick, Boomer, and Butch invited me to sit at their table at lunch, and everybody didn't even bother messing with me about the video. While hanging out at lunch, I couldn't help but notice how much in common I had with Butch. It only made hanging out with him all the more fun, he was even more fun to hang out with than Mitch was when he was my best friend. Don't get me wrong I still loved Mitch in a boyfriend way, Butch was just more fun to hang out with. After my last two classes that I spent joking around with Brick and blowing things up, gotta love chemistry, I finally had my free period. I got dressed for soccer practice in black athletic shorts and a green tie dye t-shirt and I put my perfectly curled hair into a high ponytail with my bangs braided and pinned up to the side. After changing, I walked outside and was surprised to see Mitch calling me over.

Mitch POV

I saw BC walk outside looking hot as hell in her soccer outfit. I couldn't help but to call her over, I just couldn't let her know I knew who she was yet, she might run away if I do. She looked surprised and jogged over to me, her chestnut hair shining in the sun as it bounced behind her. "Do you need something Mitch?" You. I couldn't say that though. "I just wanted to talk." I smiled, maybe I could get her to slip. "What about?" "I don't know, how about how you're apparently so good at soccer? The whole school talks about you you know?" She blushes and looks surprised. It's a cute look on her, but it's not Buttercup, she really was pretty good at this acting thing. "I didn't know people knew I could play, but I guess I just practice a lot..." "just practice? You sure about that? I mean you're better than the former captain who has superpowers. I'll watch your practice tonight, you may even. Be better than my ex girlfriend!! Don't tell her I said that though, she'd kill me!!" That was bound to get a reaction right?? I saw anger flash through her peridot eyes but she was quick to cover it up. "Butch has superpowers? How would you know?" "He used to be a villain in my city, I guess he's good now." She didn't respond, she just stared into my eyes. I knew it was her, nobody else had those eyes, nobody else had that stare. We stayed like that for what seemed like forever, but was really only 1 minute, but somehow she seemed closer than a minute ago. "I missed you Mitchelson." She knew I knew. Our lips met somewhere in the middle, and it felt like our first kiss all over again, it felt like I fell in love with her all over again. Wow I need to chill out with all this mushiness.

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