Chapter 10: The Date

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Chapter 10: The Date

Buttercup's POV

I woke up the next morning to my phone buzzing like a rapid fire gun. I felt my temper flare when I caught what time it was, 5:15 AM. I opened my phone to see who had the audacity to text and call me so many times only to see it was Butch asking how I was doing.

The fact that he was up this early worrying about me eased my temper a little bit, but I was still very agitated, I was not, in any stretch of the imagination, a morning person.

Butch: BC

Butch: Babe

Butch: plz wake up

Butch: I can't go to bed

Butch: I'm worried about you

Butch: are you ok?

Butch: Buttercup, please answer

Butch: please I had a nightmare that something happened to you

Butch: BC if you don't respond I'm gonna come over!!

At that one I took the time to respond.

Me: Butch Jojo, it's 5:15 in the fucking AM. I was fine when you left, so why wouldn't I be now?? You should know I'm not a fucking morning person and now I'm gonna be pissed for the rest of the day!!

Butch: sorry baby, I was just worried about you and wanted to make sure you were ok...

Me: yeah, your concern's appreciated and all, but it would've been appreciated a little more at 6.

Butch: ok, sorry, glad to hear you're ok, see you in two hours!!

I sighed and turned off my phone. I tried to go back to sleep for another hour of sleep, but I soon found I was unable to do that. I growled and got out of bed, deciding to get ready for the day. I got to the bathroom and decided on a morning shower. To save time, which I really didn't need to do, I brushed my teeth in the shower with my cinnamon toothpaste.

I brushed my hair out, which I found out made it easier to deal with outside of the shower and when I was done used my spiced apple shampoo and conditioner. I left the conditioner in while used my matching body wash and shaved since I had so much time. When I was finished, I rinsed off the body wash and the conditioner in my hair. I stepped out of the shower, dried off and put lotion all over my body before deciding what to wear.

I picked out a pair of ripped navy denim shorts, a green, off the shoulder t shirt that barely covered my midriff. I finished my outfit with a pair of white and gold gladiator sandals, three gold bracelets, different sized gold earrings and a gold belly button ring with a dangling peridot gem.

I was hoping the Professor wouldn't say anything since I was hurt last night. I grabbed a change of clothes for soccer and decided to do something with my hair. I looked in the mirror trying to decide what to do and my final decision was to straighten it. It was only 6 and I still had an hour to get ready. I finished straightening my hair in under 10 minutes and went downstairs to grab breakfast and hopefully get these stitches removed.

"Hey dad can you get these stitches off of me? It's all healed!" He turned around to look at me and his jaw dropped. "Go back upstairs." I looked at him confused. "Umm, why I just got down here..." He looked very flustered. "Buttercup Blair Utonium, there is no way I'm letting you leave the house dressed like that!! Go upstairs and change!" I wasn't surprised by his comment, I had actually been expecting it. "Aww dad, you don't like it??" I fake pouted and he gave me a stern look. "Go, Buttercup."

I laughed and flew back upstairs, changing my shorts into white ripped capris, regular black and gold sandals, and a tight peridot green v neck t shirt that faded to black at the bottom. I flew back downstairs and tried again. "Now can you take out my stitches? I don't wanna wear them to school if I don't have to." He gave me the once over and after deciding my outfit was passable, he brought me down to the lab to take them out.

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