Chapter 11: Kinda sorta so in love

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Chapter 11: Kinda sorta so in love

Buttercup's POV

I woke up the next morning at... 4:30 because Butch felt the need to see me. Apparently he couldn't wait two more hours and had to make sure I was in a bad mood for the day. I couldn't really be too mad though because he told me the professor could get my cast off, which was a huge relief. I kissed him good morning and made my way down to the lab to get the annoying thing off my arm.

"This won't take too long, but I want to leave time just in case there are any problems, sorry for waking you up so early..." the professor looked tired too, so I couldn't help but be a little grateful that he was doing this for me. "Thanks dad." I offered him a smile which he returned. "It's no problem honey."

He was right, it only took 10 minutes to get the cast off, and after my check up, he confirmed that it could stay off, which I was very relieved to hear. I decided I would get ready now and just ride to school with Butch. I took a quick shower and threw on a pair of athletic capri leggings, a plain v-neck green t shirt, and a pair of white nike running shoes. I put my lightly curled hair into a ponytail and met Butch downstairs after getting ready. I tried not to laugh as I saw he was in the professor's clothes, but he really did look nice in the white button down shirt and khakis. It wasn't really his style, but he managed to make it look more casual by rolling up the sleeves and leaving a few buttons undone.

"Ready to go babe?" I nodded and grabbed his hand as we walked out to the car. I hopped in on my side and when I was buckled in, he started driving, on our rather lengthy car ride, we got a little bored and decided on some carpool karaoke. I plugged in my phone and blasted the playlist with the windows down while we sang along to all of them. I had to laugh whenever Butch sang along to a girly song that Bubbles or Blossom downloaded on my phone, but soon enough, we pulled up to school and our fun ended.

School itself was very uneventful. An essay in first period, the final draft of the one about me actually. Not going to lie, it was one of the most awkward essays I had to write. We only rehearsed songs for our concert in choir, had a small practice in gym due to the upcoming game, then lunch. Lunch, I must say, was the highlight of my day along with gym. I sat with the ruffs and we joked around as always being our typical headass selves. I had a test in calculus and chemistry, but I know I aced those. Nothing else really happened, but now I had soccer practice and I was determined to make the team as good as it could be before Monday, before the game.

Butch and I started our practice during free period. He helped me practice my gymnastics related moves, since my arm was free from its prison, I was determined to perfect everything I could. Butch kicked the ball up high and I did a front handspring jump to kick it in the goal while it was still high up. I smiled with pride as I saw the ball go into the net. "Looks like you're sharp as ever babe!" He got closer and kissed me and squeezed my ass, he does that a lot... "Hot as ever too, do me a favor and wear these leggings more often." I actually blushed at how forward he was, but I was used to his perverted mindset. I still have him a light slap to the arm though since we were in public. "Butch we're in public!" He smirked at me. "So? The need to know you're mine anyways." I playfully rolled my eyes at him. "Whatever."

For our actual practice, we had a scrimmage with Butch on the opposite team than me since the coach said we needed to be able to function perfectly without the other. My team obviously won and that was with all the second string players. I did get a little nervous, however because we only won by one goal that was scored last minute by me. "Damn I'm never gonna get over how good you are sweetheart!" I knew it was Butch because he's the only one who would dare hug me from behind and kiss my ear.

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