The Lost Rose

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One day as Summer Rose holding baby Ruby Rose in her arms. Suddenly Cinder Fall appears and begin to fight with Summer. Summer puts Ruby down and grabs her weapon. It was 7 hours later and Taiyang began to get worried about his wife and infant daughter. Taiyang began to try to find them. When Taiyang got to Summer she was unconscious but still alive. Taiyang became worried that he could only see Summer and not Ruby. Taiyang saw that the blanket Summer wrapped Ruby in was still in the place where Summer put Ruby down so that she could fight Cinder. Taiyang then picked up Summer and Ruby's blanket.

Meanwhile in Cinder's Lair

Cinder would have killed the daughter of her enemy but she gave her fire powers and became her new mother. Cinder noticed that Summer and Taiyang never took Ruby's hospital bracelet off even after 4 months after Ruby's birth. Cinder read the name on the bracelet.

Cinder: Ruby Rose. That won't do. My young one you're new name is Ash Fall. You are my new daughter. This is you're new home. Welcome home my beautiful daughter.

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