Summer's pacemaker

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One day Summer got really bad and Taiyang had to take her to the ER. The doctor eventually found the problem it was a problem with Summer's heart. Summer had to have a pacemaker. Summer still felt the same but 2 things were different in her life first she looses her infant daughter and now she had to have a pacemaker. One day as Yang, Qrow, Summer, and Taiyang were in the park some little boy was bullying Yang. Yang was so mad she grabbed her taser that Taiyang gave her in case of an intruder or a kidnaper. Summer stand in front of the boy and Yang accidentally zapped Summer which fried her pacemaker. Qrow called 911 right away. Taiyang walked over to console Yang for accidentally damaging her stepmother's pacemaker due to her anger towards a bully. The ambulance came as fast as possible and rushed Summer to the ER.

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