Familiar Faces

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The day had finally came. Ash's First and Yang's last year at Signal Academy. Ash didn't see Yang at first but she did see Kamila for a brief second and got the full look of Josephine. Ash hated the gullible happy smile on the 7 month old girl's face.

Ash got to her dorm perfectly fine and she was surprised to see that it was perfectly empty with a warm yet dark atmosphere thanks to Cinder. Ash felt welcome and glad that she didn't get a disgusting beautiful dorm room to make her feel like a stuck-up Princess. Ash began to unpack her things and get settled in to her room. The dorm almost felt like home until their was a happy knock on her door.

Ash: Come in!

The door swung open and in came the president of the student welcoming committee Yang Xiao Long.

Yang: Sorry to disturb you Ms...... Sorry what is your last name?

Ash: Hamato.
Yang: Right. Thank you.
Ash: Likewise.

Yang: Anyway I wanted to see Welcome to Signal and I wanted to see if you were settling in just fine.

Ash: I was until you came in.

Yang was clearly angry at Ash's attitude but she let it slide slightly but she had to say something to her about it.

Yang: I'm sorry but at Signal we don't tolerate the attitude you are giving me.

Ash: I know I'm sorry you see I'm on my period and the fucking cramps are a nightmare to deal with and their making me sound extremely mean I'm not really like this. I'm so sorry.

Ash begins to fake cry and Yang hugs Ash for a couple of minutes to insure her that it's alright.

Yang: Feeling better now Elisa?

Ash: Yes. If you don't mind can I ask you a question?

Yang: Sure.

Ash: Have I seen you before you look and sound oddly familiar.

Yang: Nope, but now that you say that you kinda remind of one of my family members.

Ash was about to ask more questions to Yang when suddenly their was a man standing deathly still by the door way. The man was Taiyang. It took a while of long awkward silence but then Tai spoke.

Tai: Ruby.
Ash: Do I know you?
Tai: Oh Ruby darling you're alive.
Ash: Who are you?
Tai: Ruby. It's me. your father Taiyang.

Ash stared confused at the man who had claimed to be her father and clearly knew who she was.

Yang: Dad this is Elisa.

Taiyang then walked over to Ash with tears streaming down his face and when he got to her he hugged his long lost child.

Tai: No I named her Ruby.

Ash then ran out of her room and demanded the headmaster for transportation to take her home for a couple of days. The headmaster agreed and got her a train to immediately take her home.

Once Ash got in the train she couldn't help but come up with a list of questions for Cinder about the last 2 and a half hours at Signal. Ash needed clear and honest answers on Yang and Tai.

(So Ruby is heading to Cinder for answers. What do you guys think will happen next for Ash and how will Cinder give her the answers that she is looking for. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'm so glad that after the long time wait you guys are still reading this to see how this will all end. Also write down in the comments on your prediction or predictions for how this story will end and who k own if you guessed the ending correctly then you will get a shoutout at the end of the book and may inspire the next RWBY story.)

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