Summer die's

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Taiyang and Yang waited for hours for Summer to be out of surgery Yang thought it was all he fault she didn't mean to zap Summer and burn out her pacemaker. Yang was only 8 years old and already her birth mother left, her sister was taken away from her 6 years ago, and now her stepmother might be dying. Qrow had to stay with Yang because Taiyang didn't want to talk to Yang because even though it was an accident it was still a stupid idea. Later a doctor came in and told them that Summer was gone and they could say their final goodbyes. Taiyang's heart was filled with rage and it always towards his daughter. During the funeral Yang had to stay away from Summer's dead body and she couldn't be anywhere near her father. After the funeral Yang walks upstairs so she could be tucked into bed and she hears Qrow and Taiyang arguing.

Tai: She's a demon Qrow.
Qrow: She's you're daughter.

Tai: She made the women in my life leave. First her being born made Raven leave, She zapped Summer's pacemaker, and to make things 4 months after the birth of her sister she disappears.

Qrow: Do you know what Taiyang! You don't know why Raven left! What happened to Summer was just an accident! And also why are you blaming her Ruby disappearance when she wasn't even around that weekend!

Qrow and Taiyang turn to see Yang standing in front of the door and tears are streaming down her face.

Qrow: Hey, it's okay my Sunny Little Dragon. How about I get you to bed.

(Qrow tucks Yang into bed and she falls asleep. Then Qrow spots Tai and walks toward him.)

Qrow: I swear Taiyang Xiao Long if you abuse her or tell her that it's her fault for killing Summer then I will go to court and claim the rights to claim Yang.

Taiyang: You wouldn't dare.
Qrow: Try me Tai.

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