Mother Lies Best

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After the date and nearly at the end of the first year at Beacon Academy. Weiss and Ash became a couple. Weiss constantly asked Ash if she would ever meet Ash's Mom. Ash knew she had to keep her mother a secret for the plan to progress and in time complete. Not even Cinder knew that her own daughter had a girlfriend or that Ash was Bisexual.

During Spring Break Ash builds up the confidence to tell Cinder about her new girlfriend. Now it was Summer Vacation and Ash however was still worried because she didn't know how Cinder would react when she said that she has fallen in love with an enemy. Ash later had no choice in the matter because she was almost home.

Ash: Mom I'm home.

Before Ash could say anything else Cinder walked in and she had one of the angriest looks Ash had ever seen on her face.

Cinder: Oh hello darling.

Ash became even more scared. Did Cinder already know about Ash's relationship with Weiss.

Ash: Are you mad at me?
Cinder: No. Why?
Ash: You just seemed mad?

Cinder: I'm sorry darling it's just that Torchwick failed in a dust embargo.....AGAIN!

Ash: Heh typical Roman Torchwick.
Cinder: Believe me I know.

Ash: So what do we have planned for the Maiden?

Cinder: I have 2 people in mind.
Ash: Who?

Cinder: A homeless thief and a man named Marcus Black.

Ash: Hmm I see.

Cinder: I'll be recruiting them tomorrow morning along with trying to find more smaller help for Roman.

Ash: Like a low grade dust collector?

Cinder: I don't know yet. Anyway how is school going?

Ash: Pretty good considering the majority of the school are peppy and always being a total little goody two shoes.

Cinder: Has anyone asked about me?
Ash: Nope.
Cinder: Good.

Ash: The medical file on being a sperm donation child of Taiyang and the niece/student of Qrow Branwen was enough background for the headmaster and Professors to not ask any questions.

Cinder: Heh ignorant fools.

Ash: Speaking of the medical record I have never seen it because you said that I needed to become more mature and I think that I am much more mature now and I am ready to see my legal birth certificate.

Cinder: Ash..... The thing is...... I don't exactly have that in my possession.

Ash: Oh

Ash hung her head sadly at the news and was about to head to her room but then Cinder wrapped her arms around Ash and hugged her.

Cinder: I love you.
Ash: I love you too.

Cinder: Hey and also one day you will be able to see your birth certificate.

Ash: Thanks mom.
Cinder: Any time deer.

After Ash went into her room and closed the door, Cinder ran to her room. Cinder picked up  a tiny piece of paper.

Cinder grabbed a small box and hid it deep in the closet

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Cinder grabbed a small box and hid it deep in the closet. Cinder then picked another piece of paper which was a blank birth certificate. Cinder then began to change a couple of things on the original birth certificate.

 Cinder then began to change a couple of things on the original birth certificate

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Cinder then put the newly written birth certificate into her dresser drawers. Ash will see her "Birth Certificate" tomorrow morning.

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