Mother and Daughter

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Ash: Mom
Cinder: Darling why are you here?
Ash: I have questions for you.
Cinder: Oh.

Ash then prepared her self to tell her questions to Cinder.

Ash: You see this peppy little bimbo and her dad made me question things.

Cinder: Like how annoying humanity is. Don't worry that will end soon sweetie.

Ash: No it's not that. The dad seamed like he knew me.

Cinder: Really.
Ash: Well not really he called me Ruby.
Cinder: Oh no Taiyang Xiao Long.
Ash: You know him.
Cinder: Yes he is your father.
Ash: Really.
Cinder: Yes.

Cinder then thought of a way to screw over Taiyang and make her sound like a saint.

Cinder: He tried to kill you.
Ash: What?

Cinder: Yes. Your father hated you so much he called you Ruby because he hated your name.

Ash gasped buying every lie that Cinder was saying.

Cinder: It's a good thing I took you to this place when I did because when you were an infant he hired an old teammate to murder you.

Ash then began to go from sad to intense anger in just a couple of seconds.

Ash: That Fucking Bastard! Sorry for my language mom.

Cinder: It's okay baby you have every right to be angry. This is what I was expecting you to do if I told you about your father.

Ash: Why would dad do that to me?
Cinder: He is psychologically and mentally ill.
Ash: Oh.
Cinder: But at least you still have mommy.

Ash then walked up and hugged Cinder as tears ran down her face.

Ash: I love you mom.
Cinder: I love you too baby.

As Ash cried in Cinder's arms Cinder was smiling maniacally as she comforted the crying Ash.

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