Depressed Taiyang

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It has been 3 months since Summer's funeral and Taiyang is still depressed on some days he forgets that he has a daughter. Some days Qrow would take care of Yang after all she was only 8 years old and she is already going through a very difficult time. Yang had and lost 2 mother's and her sister was taken away.

Ash (A.k.a Ruby) was being trained to use her fire powers and truly understand the ways of being evil. Ash was already becoming a great warrior and she was only 6 years old. Ash trained a lot with Emerald and Mercury. Neapolitan and Roman respect Ash because one day Ash will be the new leader of the White Fang once Cinder steps down. While Cinder was watching Ash train a siren filled the lair. It was young Adam Tanrus and Blake Belladonna came back from a mission.

Ash: Mrs. Belladonna and Mr. Tanrus was your mission a success?

Adam: Yes Mrs. Fall. Very successful.
Blake: It was glorious.

Ash: That's what I like to hear I will tell mother right away. You both are dismissed.

Blake: Thank you Ash

Back at Taiyang's house
Taiyang is drinking due to his depression. Yang didn't like that her father did that. Taiyang did a lot of things when he's depressed like drink, forget about Yang, ignore Yang, yell at animals around the house, fall down the stairs, and worst of all he sometimes yells and curses at both Qrow and Yang. Nobody ever liked it when Taiyang got depressed but Qrow and Yang would have to deal because the only things that would get him out of his depression would be if Ruby or Raven come back to him but they both Qrow and Yang knew that they probably might never come back.

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